A Rejected Testimony, Jn 9:8-34 - Bible Believers Baptist Church

A Rejected Testimony, Jn 9:8-34

A Rejected Testimony John 9:8-34 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

In this story we discover what happens when religious people encounter a person who has been truly saved by the Lord Jesus Christ. This blind man had just gone thru a remarkable, instantaneous transformation where he regained his sight. This is just like the remarkable transformation of a man when he first gets saved. When religion meets salvation you then get the problems that unfolded in this particular passage of scripture.

Problems that manifest when religion meets salvation

Doubt of the testimony of salvation – (John 9:8-12)

Rejection of the deity of Jesus Christ – (John 13:16, 1 John 5:7)

Accusations of lying – (John 9:17-18)

Intimidation of followers – (John 9:19-23)

Rejection of the miracle of God – (John 9:18, 28-30)

Elevation of religion – (John 9:28)

Excommunication – (John 9:34)