The Door, Jn 10:7-10 - Bible Believers Baptist Church

The Door, Jn 10:7-10

The Door John 10:7-10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

In the previous lesson it was explained that a sheepfold had only one door. In this text we learn that Jesus Christ is that door through which all must pass to enter into the sheepfold. When the sheep go in they are protected or “saved” (John 14:6, Psalm 23, John 21:17)

All who come by any other way than through the door are thieves and robbers (John 10:8). In this verse we see that robbers come for only three things: to steal, kill and destroy. (Hosea 6:4-10, Mark 8:38, 1 Kings 14:25, 2 Kings 17:3, 24, 25, 26, Isaiah 42:22, Ezekiel 7:22, John 10:7-10, Hosea 6:9, 7, Matt. 21:13, 26:15, John 12:6 , John 18:39, Matt. 27:38, Matt. 28:13)