Galatians 5:1-6 Freedom in Christ CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO
Paul brings the whole letter to a head in these six verses. Of course, those who believe you can lose your salvation jerk v. 4 from the context and use it to teach that a saved man can fall from grace and be unsaved. Of course, considering the context and the whole letter to the Galatians, you couldn’t possible come to that conclusion. A man falls from grace before he even gets saved when he refuses to receive Jesus and trusts his own righteousness according to the law, instead. Now Paul compared circumcision (Law) and salvation.
In circumcision you are:
- Trapped (v. 1) – entangled with the yoke of bondage
- Acts 15:10, tempt God with a yoke they couldn’t bear
- Rom 3:19,20
- Rom 4:15
- Lost (v. 2) – no profit
- “Loss”
- II Cor 4:3, hid from the lost
- Matt 18:11, save that which was lost
- Without Christ, you are lost
- Obligated (v. 3) – debtor
- To do whole law
- Gal 3:10
- Jas 2:10
- Unpardonable (v. 4) – no effect
- Fallen from grace
- Not as in unpardonable sin, but as in unbelief
- Acts 13:38-39, 43-48
- Not just by law, continue in grace
- Before saved (49) then believed
When you get saved, however, you have:
- Liberty (v. 1)
- Liberty and freedom
- II Cor 3:17
- Jn 8:32-36
- Hope (v. 5)
- Hope of righteousness
- Rom 8:23-25
- Tit 2:13
- Faith (v. 5)
- By faith, not by works
- Tit 3:5
- Eph 2:8,9
- Love (v. 6)
- Faith which worketh by love
- Matt 22:36-40
- Rom 13:8-10
- I Jn 4:19, love him because he loved us first