Prayer for Converts Eph. 1:17-19 - Bible Believers Baptist Church

Prayer for Converts Eph. 1:17-19

 Ephesians 1:17-19 Prayer for Converts CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

 Yesterday we saw how Paul was thankful to God for the faith and love of his new converts.  Today he goes on with his prayer for them to ask the Lord to give them some things that they are going to need.  He prays that the Lord will give them:

The Spirit of Wisdom  (v. 17)

  • To equip them for life
  • Ex 28:3; 31:3
  • Is 11:2
  • I Cor 12:7-8
  • Solomon asked for wisdom
  • Wisdom is given by God the Holy Spirit to equip you for Christian life and service, Jas 1:5

The Revelation of himself that they may know him (v. 17)

    1. Typically revelation is like II Cor 12:1  or Rev 1:1.  God shows them something
    2. But also revelation is something in this book that is shown to you by God
      • Deut 29:29
      • I Sam 3:7, 21 – when the Lord reveals himself to you
      • I Cor 2:9-10

Light so they can “see” to understand His word (v. 18)

    1. Ps 119:130, the entranceof thy words giveth light
    2. Ps 19:8, the commandment is pure enlightening eyes
    3. I Sam 14:27
      • Honey
      • Lightened eyes

Knowledge of three things:

    1. The hope of his calling so that you’ll be heavenly minded and patient
      • Rom 5:2, rejoice in hope of the glory of God
      • Gal 5:5, hope of righteousness
      • Col 1:5, hope laid up in heaven
      • I Th 2:19, hope of soul’s getting saved
      • Tit 2:13, the blessed hope of the coming of Jesus
    1. The riches of the glory of his inheritance so that you’ll lay up for the Judgment Seat of Christ by: Matt 6:20, treasures in heaven
      • I Tim 6:17-19, laying up in store
      • II Cor 9:6, giving bountifully
      • Lk 19, taking the pound you are given now and multiplying it; you’ll be rewarded later
    1. The exceeding greatness of his power to believers so that we can work, to witness, Acts 1:8, Acts 4:33
      • I Cor 1:18, to preach
      • II Cor 12:9, to have strength in trials and when you are persecuted
      • Eph 3:20, to do abundantly