The Riches of His Glory Eph.3:13-21 - Bible Believers Baptist Church

The Riches of His Glory Eph.3:13-21

Ephesians 3:13-21 The Riches of His Glory CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

In Ephesians 3:13-21, Paul ended up in jail for preaching the gospel and preaching to Gentiles.  He tells them in v. 13, “Don’t sweat it” this was for your glory.  Like Joseph said about being in jail in Egypt for his brothers: “God meant it for good.”  For that reason, he prayed in v. 14-15 that God would grant them six things, and truly if God would do it:

  1. They would understand his joy over their salvation and growth in spite of his prison and bonds
  2. They would likely carry on and do the same
  3. God would get the glory


Strengthen them with his might (v. 16)

  • Eph 6:10
  • Ps 89:6-13
  • Not by making them “he men,”  but by strengthening the inner man
  • Paul said, “I can to all things through Christ which strengtheneth me”

Dwell in their hearts by faith (v. 17)

  • Affection to Christ
  • Preeminent Love
  • Rev 2:4
  • Jn 14:20-24
  • I Jn 4:16

Root and ground them in love

  • Jn 3:16
  • Jn 15:13
  • I Cor 13
  • I Jn 4:19, 21

Help them grasp the size of his inheritance and therefore their inheritance (v. 18)

  • Gain the whole world
  • Breath = width; Length = length; Height = height; Depth = down to sea and earth
  • Prov 25:3
  • Rom8:29
  • Matt 4:8-9
  • Rev 11:15

Fill them with his fullness

  • Col2:9-10

Conclusion: Paul believed God would grant this request on 3 things:

  1. God is able to do exceeding abundantly above…(v. 20)
  2. He had that power working in him
  3. God’s glory in the church