Captivity Captive Eph. 4:7-10 - Bible Believers Baptist Church

Captivity Captive Eph. 4:7-10

Ephesians 4:7-10 Captivity Captive CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

Captivity captive is a reference to Jesus resurrecting the souls of the OT saints at his own resurrection.  They had been held in Abraham’s Bosom until then.

Old Testament:

  1. Lk 16:19-31
    1. In Abraham’s Bossom
    2. In Hell
  2. Lk 23:42-43
    1. Paradise down there, Eph 4:9
    2. Now in heaven, II Cor 12:1-4
    3. Jesus preached to men in Abraham’s Bosom, I Pet 4:6
    4. Jesus preached to men in hell, I Pet 3:19-20
  3. Matt 27:50-53
    1. At his resurrection some bodies arose
    2. All souls in Abraham’s Bosom arose and he took them to heaven immediately
  4. Matt 28:9 (held) with Jn 20:17 (touch not)
    1. Ascended and descended
  5. Fulfill propheses of Ps 68:18
  6. John saw him in heaven
    1. Rev 1:18 with the keys

 New Testament:

  1. Eph 2:6 raised
  2. II Cor 5:8, absent/ present
    1. “In” Christ
  3. Tribulation
    1. Souls under the altar
    2. Rev 6:9
  4. Church Age is unique
    1. “Body of Christ”
    2. Tomorrow gifts for that Body