What Now? Phil. 1:27-30 - Bible Believers Baptist Church

What Now? Phil. 1:27-30

Philippians 1:27-30 What Now? CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

Now that you are saved, what do you do now and what can you expect?

Tell others about Christ

  1. “Conversation” v. 27 “becometh gospel”
  2. Used to: Eph 2:3;4:22
  3. Now: Phil 3:20, heavenly; II Pet 3:11, holy; Jas 3:13, good; I Pet 3:16, even if they are opposed

Get with some people who will stand with you

  1. Striving together in one spirit and one mind (v. 27)
  2. Good Bible believing church, not afraid to preach the truth
  3. Ecc 4:9-12, two fold cord
  4. Lk 10:1-3, the disciples went out 2×2
  5. Acts 13:1-3, Paul and Barnabas sent out of church together
  6. Acts 15:39-40, Paul with Silas

Don’t be terrified of the opposition (v. 28)

  1. It is coming
  2. It’s a manifest token II Thes 1:5-6
  3. The Lord said you’d get it Lk 21:12-13
  4. They did it to Jesus and they will to you too, Jn 15:19-21

Be prepared to suffer (v. 29)

  1. II Tim 3:12
  2. II Thes 1:3-4
  3. I Pet 4:12-16
  4. The “same conflict” Paul had, you will have also (v. 30)