Jesus’ Exaltation, Phil 2:9-11 - Bible Believers Baptist Church

Jesus’ Exaltation, Phil 2:9-11

 Phil 2: 9-11 Jesus’ Exaltation CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

   Yesterday we saw that the way up is down, and the Lord had to go way down to save us.  Seven steps down:

  1. No reputation
  2. Servant
  3. Likeness of men
  4. Fashion of man
  5. Humble
  6. Obedient
  7. Crucified

The work of redemption is done; he was raised from the dead.  And now the seven steps up:

Exalted position

  1. Right hand of God, Acts 2:33
  2. Matt 23:12
  3. I Pet 5:6, pattern in Jesus

Exalted name, a name above every name

  1. Jesus – not a greater name in all of the universe
  2. Acts 4:10, 12, healing and salvation
  3. Jn 14:13-14, prayer, these are not answered by Mary and the “saints”
  4. I Cor 6:11, justification

Exalted worship

  1. Is 45:23
  2. Rom 14:10-12, Christian
  3. Contrast the Pope and compare Acts 10:25-26
  4. Contrast Rev 13, Dan 3

Exalted in heaven

  1. Rev 4:8-10
  2. Rev 19:10

Exalted in earth

  1. Gen 41:43, type
  2. Comp Est 3:2-5
  3. Ex 20:4-5, genuflecting is the same as bowing to an image

Exalted in hell

  1. Devil and fallen angels will bow
  2. Is 14:12-15

Exalted title

  1. “Lord”
  2. I Cor 12:3, “THE” LORD
  3. Judas could only call him Master, compare Rev 22:20-21, LORD JESUS
  4. But John called him Lord and so can you, Rom 10:9-10