Prayer is Your Voice of Faith - Bible Believers Baptist Church

Prayer is Your Voice of Faith

Prayer is Your Voice of Faith

Luke 18:1-8

The Lord tries to encourage us “always to pray, and not to faint”. “Faint” means to decline or fail in strength, lose courage or spirit, to weaken. If I could encourage you to pray more, I know that it would change your life! We are all here on a Wednesday night and have come knowing that this service is often called a prayer service. We take prayer request and also pray for the missionary prayer request. Many of you take these requests and continue to pray for them through out the week, praise the Lord. I pray that this message will encourage you always to pray, and not faint.

Prayer is connected to Faith

[Luke 18:8] The Lord makes the connection of prayer and faith; one exposes the other!

  • [Jn.4:24] “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and truth”
  • You came to your Saviour by “Calling on the name of the Lord” [Rom.10:9-10 &13]
  • Prayer is the voice of your faith, communicating with someone you or anyone else has NEVER seen, is either proof of your faith or insanity.

A lack of Prayer is a lack of Faith

[Matt.21:18-22] “ask in prayer, believing”  A lack of faith will limit your prayers

  • Either God hears prayer and answers it, or he doesn’t
  • If he doesn’t, then prayer is a useless exercise, a waste of time!
  • If he does, then prayer is the greatest untapped power of your life! WOW!!!
  • [Hebrews 4:16]”Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need”.
  • The Bible says, [Eph.3:20] ”Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,” 
  • Every time you pray, believing, you expose your faith
  • The more you pray, believing, the more you expose your faith
  • So, a lack of prayer will limit your faith, it stunts your growth!
  • Use the power of prayer to grow your faith

Prayer Pleases God

[Jn.15:15-16] God has chosen you to produce fruit from your prayers

  • Answered prayer is that fruit
  • Answered prayer increases your faith!
  • [Heb.11:6] Your prayers voice your faith that “he is” and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
  • Prayer pleases God because it is proof of your faith

Prayer Opens Doors to The Gospel (must pass it on to others to keep the voice alive!)

[2Thes.3:1] Paul asked for prayers to allow the word of God to have free course in their work of the gospel. Prayer opens doors for others to believe!

[Col.4:3] Prayer will open doors for you to do the work of the gospel

[Eph.6:18-19] Prayer will allow you to have the boldness to do the work of the  gospel

God desires us “always to pray, and not to faint”. Prayer is the voice of your faith, the more you pray, the more you expose and grow your faith, and the more fruit (answered prayer) remains. Now pray that you can go share the good news with others.