More Temple Descriptions, Ezek 41-43

This Sunday school lesson is a continuation of the previous study on the Millennial Temple.  In this lesson we will cover more temple descriptions in Ezek 41:12-43:27.  To assist us with a visual portrayal of these temple descriptions, we are using animated videos from  You can view these 3D animations and follow along in this study.  There is no audio for this lesson.

The building toward the west, Ezek 41:12-13.

Behind the temple, toward the west, is a building separated from the temple by 20 cubits.  The building is 70 cubits broad (east to west) and 90 cubits long (north to south) with a wall 5 cubits think round about.  So this building is 100 cubits long and from the outer wall to the temple measures 100 cubits (70 cubits plus 5 cubits for each wall plus 20 cubits for the separate place between the building and the temple).

The breadth of the temple and separate places, and the length, Ezek 41:14-17.

Facing the temple, the breadth of the temple plus the two 20-cubit separate places on each side of the temple measures 100 cubits (20 cubits for each separate place, 5 cubits for the foundation on each side, 5 cubits for the walls of the side chambers, 4 cubits for the side chambers, 6 cubits for the walls of the house, and 20 cubits for the inside of the temple).  And the temple is 100 cubits in length, east to west (5 cubits for the foundation, 5 cubits for the walls of the side chambers, 4 cubits for the side chambers, 6 cubits for the wall of the house, 20 cubits for the most holy place, 40 cubits for the temple, and 20 cubits for the porch). 

The ceilings of wood, Ezek 41:15-17.

Continuing with the temple descriptions, the inner temple, the porches of the court, the door posts, the narrow windows (which were covered), the galleries, and the inner house are cieled with wood.

The cherubim and palm trees, Ezek 41:18-21.

Throughout all the house are cherubim and palm trees on the walls, with a palm tree next to each cherub.  The faces of each cherub are of a man on one side and a young lion on the other.  Everything is symmetrical.

The table of wood, Ezek 41:22.

This table made of wood is where the altar of incense was before the door of the most holy place.  It measures 3 cubits high and two cubits square.  

The doors of the temple and sanctuary, Ezek 41:23-26.

Noticing more temple descriptions, each door has two leaves hinged together (like bifold doors) with cherubim and palms trees on them like those on the walls.  Ezekiel also mentions “thick planks” on the face of the porch and in association with the narrow windows of the porch and side chambers.  Perhaps, these are beams, 1 Ki 7:6, like headers above the windows.

Chambers for the priests, Ezek 42:1-14.

The breadth between the utter court and the separate place to the north of the temple is 50 cubits.  Here are two sets of chambers, three stories tall, facing each other.  The upper chambers are narrower than the middle and lower stories.  The chambers facing north along the separate place are 100 cubits in length, identical to the length of the temple.  The chambers facing south along the edge of the utter court are 50 cubits long, with a walkway of 10 cubits width between these two sets of chambers.  From the east edge of the chambers along the utter court to the door into this area from the north is a 50-cubit long wall.  

On the south side of the temple are two sets of chambers arranged identically to those on the north side of the temple.  

These chambers are for the priests, where they eat the most holy things that are offered to the Lord in the meat offering, the sin offering, and the trespass offering.  The place is holy.  The priests change their holy garments here before going into the utter court.

The wall round about the sanctuary, Ezek 42:15-20.

The man measuring these things brought Ezekiel to the east gate.  There he measured the wall surrounding the entire sanctuary.  The wall measures 500 reeds on the east, north, south, and west sides.  It is 500 reeds long and 500 reeds broad.  It separates between the sanctuary and the profane place.

The glory of the God of Israel, Ezek 43:1-6.

The Lord came from the east with the voice of many waters while the earth shined with his glory.  It was the same appearance that Ezekiel had seen by the river Chebar.  He entered by the east gate.  The spirit took Ezekiel into the inner court and the glory of the Lord filled the house.  From there the Lord spake.

The place of the Lord’s throne, Ezek 43:7-9.

The Lord proclaimed that this was the place of his throne and of the soles of his feet.  This is where he will dwell in the midst of Israel forever.  They will no more defile his holy name by their whoredom and by the carcasses of their kings.  He had consumed them in his anger for these things.

The law of the house, Ezek 43:10-12.

Ezekiel showed Israel the form of the house and the law of the house that they might be ashamed of all that they have done.  The whole limit of the house is most holy and they are to keep all the ordinances thereof.

The measures of the altar, Ezek 43:13-17.

The exposed edge of the altar’s base is one cubit by one cubit. This base has a border by the edge like a lip that is a span.  The next level (the lesser settle) is two cubits high and one cubit broad.  Above that is the greater settle, four cubits high and one cubit broad.  It also has a border by the edge of half a cubit.  And above that, the altar stands four cubits high, with four horns in the four corners.  The altar itself is 12 cubits long and 12 cubits broad, foursquare.  The stairs to ascend up to the altar face the east.

Cleansing of the altar, Ezek 43:18-27.

The priests that are of the seed of Zadok are given specific instructions on how to cleanse the altar.  On the first day, they offer a bullock for a sin offering and put his blood on the four horns, the corners of the settle, and on the border.  The next day, they offer a kid of the goats for a sin offering and cleanse the altar like they did with the bullock.  After this, they offer a young bullock and a ram, with salt, for a burnt offering.  Then for seven days, they offer a goat for a sin offering, and a young bullock and a ram.  With these they purge the altar and consecrate themselves.  On the eighth day and forward, the priests can then make their burnt offerings and peace offerings for the people and the Lord will accept them.

These additional temple descriptions will provide further proof of the fulfillment of this prophecy when people see this temple in the millennium.

To study the prior lesson, see The Millennial Temple. To study the next lesson, see Temple Ordinances.