They Went Everywhere Preaching the Word

They Went Everywhere Preaching the Word CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

There was no place that was without a gospel witness – in Acts 5:28, they filled Jerusalem with their doctrine – in Acts 16:20, they exceedingly troubled the city – in Acts 17:6, they turned the world upside down – I see something in them that I don’t see in myself or in our church but I believe that it should be there.

They went everywhere preaching the word and everywhere they went they preached the word.  What does it take to do what they did?

Purpose – Acts 11:23; Dan 1:8 – they purposed in their heart that they were going to preach this gospel where ever they went – we should say, “I’m going to preach the word everywhere I go or I’m not going there” – in Lk 4:43, Jesus knew that he was sent to preach everywhere.

Prayer – Acts 4:31-33; Eph 6:19-20 (18); 2 Thes 3:1 – The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much – our church is praying but are we effectual – if the salvation of the lost for whom we pray was dependent on the earnestness with which we pray would they ever be saved?  How many prayed hard and earnestly all week that the lost would be here and purposed to do all they could to have the lost here?

Preaching – Acts 8:4; 1 Cor 1:17-21, 23; 2 Cor 4:5 – winning the lost gets down to preaching Jesus – we are so reluctant to “make waves” that we pass up opportunity after opportunity – they’ll be hollering worse on the way to hell than they holler now in their opposition to the gospel.

Persecution – Gal 6:12; 5:11; 1 Pet 4:12-16 – who is not afraid of this, who is not drawing back from persecution?  We don’t like to be ridiculed for our faith but if trouble and persecution came to Jesus, Peter and Paul, it will surely come to us – yet they must hear.

Perseverance – Eph 6:18 – perseverance is continued, patient effort; persistence; steadfastness in purpose in spite of difficulty or opposition – Jesus did not give up – he finished his course – Paul did not give up – he finished his course – we must continue until we finish our course.

Conclusion: Where is my weakness in all of this?  Where is your weakness?  Have we not purposed? Have we not prayed? Have we not preached? Have we drawn back from persecution? Certainly we must face these things – we must get back on track – and we must stay on track till we reach our destination.