The Thoughts of Your Heart
The thoughts of your heart control you. Your mind has a great control on every part of your life. So you need to be aware of your thoughts and get control over them.
[Gen.20:1-11] Afraid
- The lord was protecting Abraham, yet his thoughts made him afraid.
- We have all the promises of God, yet our thoughts will make us afraid
- If you are afraid, it didn’t come from God [2 Tim. 1:7]
- Jacob thought he would never see Joseph again, he was hopeless
- [Prov.13:12] “Heart sick” depression or reacting to a loss.
- “Our hope is in nothing less, than Jesus blood and righteousness…”
- The last thing a Christian should be is hopeless!
- Naaman had his own thoughts on how this would go down.
- How many times do we, with our expectations (thoughts) become disappointed?
- We all have a wicked heart [Jer.17:9] “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?”
- From the beginning [Gen.6:5,8:21]
- [Mk 7:21-23] [Matt.15:19] Evil thoughts are the First thing on the list!
The way to combat the thoughts of your heart:
[Ps.139:23], ask the Lord to show you [Heb. 4:12], believe His word [Prov.16:3], commit your works to the lord [Phil. 4:8], think on these things