First Class or Economy Ps. 56:3

First Class or Economy Ps. 56:3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

When I travel by air, I always fly economy, although I would much rather fly first class or business class.  I just can’t afford to go first class.  In your Christian life, you likewise have two ways that you can go.  As D. L. Moody said, you can go first class or second class.  I say you can either live in first class or economy.  Keep in mind that it is a lot more crowded and cramped in economy.

Economy class is found in Ps 56:3 – “What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee” – there are so many things that make people afraid – fear of the economy, fear of their health, fear for their children – and when you are afraid you are not trusting Christ [Matt 8:26] – so the remedy for this fear is to trust the Lord – you will know when your trust is absolute because your fear will be gone.

First class is found in Ps 56:11 – “In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me” – in first class you put your trust in the Lord ahead of time – so when you encounter a situation that would otherwise have made you scared, you don’t get scared – when our daughter went to camp one time many years ago, we printed Ps 4:8 and framed it so she could put it on her night stand to keep her from being afraid at night – as one of the old time preachers used to say, worry is the advanced interest you pay on trouble that rarely comes.

Conclusion: So which class are you traveling in – no class [always afraid] – economy – first – which class would you like to be in?  Trust the Lord and move up to first class.