The Throne of Grace Heb. 4:12-16

The Throne of Grace Heb. 4:12-16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

We read about the throne of grace in the context of the discerning word of God, our all-seeing God and our sinless high priest in Heb 4:12-16.  We are told to come boldly unto the throne of grace.  We come to the throne of grace:

Assuredly – “come” – you know the Lord is there to help you – there should be no doubt about this – you don’t have to explain to the Lord what it is like to be in the need you’re in – he has been touched with the feeling of our infirmities; he has been tempted in all points like us [Heb 4:15; Jas 5:11].

Boldly – “boldly” – not sheepishly – and not sacrificially like Catholic parishioners making pilgrimages to Fatima or Guadalupe to draw attention to themselves – but boldly – sin puts a wedge between you and God – so God invites us to come boldly to him rather than hide from him [Heb 4:12-13].

Fearfully – “throne” – we are coming to the King of kings but not to a wrathful king – notice his characteristics toward his children in Ps 86:15 – and notice that the context of this verse includes verses dealing with his fear [Ps 86:11-13].

Humbly – “throne of grace” – we are coming to his throne of grace – so we come humbly because “God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble,” [Jas 4:6].

Repentantly – “that we may obtain mercy” – the first thing you need when you come to the throne of grace is mercy – that’s because many times you come to this throne for grace to strengthen you against a particular sin in your life – therefore, repent first – God is not interested in a “catholic” confession, where you keep confessing the sins you keep committing with no intention of changing – get his mercy and then his grace to deal with this sin.

Weakly – “in time of need” – it is perfectly normal that you will grow spiritually with time – but never get so strong that you don’t think you need his grace – you will always be too weak to live the Christian life on your own – and don’t be ashamed of your weakness – the Lord’s strength is made perfect in weakness.

Conclusion: whatever you do don’t stop coming to the throne of grace!