Sexual Sins Part I 1 Cor. 6:9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO
Our text is 1 Cor 6:9. In this passage there are three types of sexual sinners mentioned: fornicators, adulterers, and homosexuals. Discussing sexual sins on a radio broadcast is difficult because we must keep from being defiled by the subject. We are not to “speak of those things which are done of them in secret,” [Eph 5:11-12]. However, we must at least offer some help to those who are afflicted by these sins. We are quick to condemn adultery, fornication and homosexuality. But are we willing to help someone in one of these sins who really wants to change? We should be willing to help seeing that the sinners in Corinth who had trouble with these sins were able to quit [1 Cor 6:9-11].
Sexual sins can be complex because there are often several contributing factors associated with these sins. Yet, though they are complex, dealing with them doesn’t have to be complicated. You deal with a complex problem by breaking it down into its several simple parts. By dealing with each part separately, solving the problem is simplified. So, we are going to deal with sexual sins by dealing with each component.
You deal with sexual sins scripturally. You need:
Scriptural truth – honestly, certain bible truths that can help you are being ignored, twisted, wrested or rejected. If you were believing the truth, then you would be free. Jesus said, “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free,” [Jn 8:32]. You’re dealing with your emotions; you’re not dealing with truth. You need to call these sins what they are. They are sin and not some sort of a psychological or behavioral problem. They are not your leaning, your orientation, or the way you were made. They are sin. Acknowledge them as sins. Jesus died for sins and he shall save his people from their sins, not their behavioral problems.
Scriptural wisdom – There are two kinds of wisdom in Jas 3:13-18. There is earthly, sensual, devilish wisdom. This wisdom is man’s wisdom; it’s earthly. This sensual wisdom is more about your feelings and how you feel about yourself. This wisdom is demonic; it’s from the devil. Therefore, this wisdom leads to confusion and every evil work.
Then there is the wisdom that is from above. God’s wisdom is pure. Sexual sins are not pure. This wisdom is peaceable. You are not at peace in your sin. This wisdom is gentle. Preaching against these sins is hard, but we deal gently with sinners coming out of these sins. God’s wisdom is easy to be intreated, it’s full of mercy, it’s full of good fruits, it’s without partiality, and it’s without hypocrisy. When you get pure wisdom in you, it makes you pure and brings you peace.
Scriptural remedies – These sins need to be purged by the word of God [Jn 15:3]. You need to be in the Bible sufficiently for it to clean you. You need to be washed, sanctified and justified by the Spirit of God [1 Cor 6:11]. Your conscience needs to be purged by the blood of Jesus [Heb 9:14]. When you confess your sin, the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses you [1 Jn 1:7, 9]. Your sin is purged by mercy and truth [Prov 16:6]. Deal honesty with the Lord; he wants to extend his mercy to you. You depart from sin when you fear the Lord [Prov 16:6; Job 28:28]. You will never get over you sin by covering it; you need to forsake it [Prov 28:13]. So, flee fornication.
Conclusion: this is just the first part of what you need to deal with sexual sins. You will see how this part fits together with the other parts when we are finished. In the meantime, you cannot ignore any of what you have just read and heard. If you skip this part, you will still be stuck in your sin.