Your Daily Walk
Amos 3:3
Your daily walk is a two-part mix, just like epoxy. Most epoxy that is used to bind things together is made of two parts in equal measures. Without both parts, the items are not going to bind together. Our daily walk with God should be something that we really want to be bound together. It also can be summed up as having two parts, Submission and Fellowship. Without both parts your daily walk with God will not be what it should or can be.
The Two-part Bond
Part One: The Correct Relationship – Submission
- [2Cor.5:17] When you get saved you are not the person that you used to be
- [Col. 3:9-10] You must put off the old man and put on the new man.
- You are a new man, start acting like it! Submit to God’s will in your walk
- [John 14:15] “If ye love me, keep my commandments”
- [Rom.6:12-13] Yield (submission) to righteousness and let not sin reign in your walk!
Part Two: The Complete Fellowship – Communication
- Any relationship without communication is doomed! In fact, the better the communication, the better the relationship.
- Communication from God to you
- The Bible, [Heb.4:12] it knows you!
- The Preacher, [Rom. 10:13-16], begins with the gospel, but there are many “good things”
- The Teacher, [2 Tim. 2:2, 3:16-17] God provides teachers to help us learn
- Your Spouse, Sarah was used of God to help communicate some truth! [Gen.21:9-12]
- Communication from you to God
- Prayer, [James 5:16] it works
- Psalms and Hymns, [Eph.5:17-21] this communication and submission is the will of God
- Giving, [2 Cor.8:1-15] Giving communicated your love for God
- Service, another definition for yield, is to produce, like as a fruit tree yields much fruit. The things that you do for God communicate your love for Him. [Rom.6:19-22], being a servant to righteousness yields fruit unto holiness.
Your walk with God takes both submission and fellowship. Some folks have no problem submitting to the will of God, but are very poor in the fellowship, personal daily communication with God, and it hampers their walk. Others are very good with the daily personal communication with God, but they are still serving sin and not submitting. Your daily walk includes an equal part of both and it takes your full attention daily.