Vessels of Honor II Tim. 2:19-23

Vessels of Honor II Tim. 2:19 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

Vessels of honor are mentioned in 2 Tim 2:20-21.  In 2 Tim 2:19-26 we can see the characteristics of these vessels of honor.  And we also see that they are contrasted to vessels of dishonor.  In a great house vessels of honor are things like Dan 5:2-3; Num 7:84-86.  Vessels of dishonor are things like the bed pan and the trash can.  Like a preacher said, “The bed pan is not for cereal.”  Vessels of honor are:

Sure – 2 Tim 2:19 – the foundation of God standeth sure… the Lord knoweth them that are his.  When you are saved, the most important thing concerning your eternal security is that the Lord knows you.  Contrast Matt 7:21-23.  When he knows you he seals you.  See Eph 1:13; 4:30.  When you are sealed you are secure.  Souls who are not secure are never at ease in Christ.  They are always striving to stay in and readily strive with those who are sure.  They dishonor the words of Christ which say that they are secure [Jn 5:24; 6:37; 10:28-30; Rom 8:38-39].

Sanctified – 2 Tim 2:20-23 – what distinguishes a vessel of honor from a vessel of dishonor is sanctification.  A vessel of honor is clean, available for the master’s use and prepared for good work.  We are to vessels to accomplish our own will and desire, but vessels for Jesus Christ to use, as he wills.  In this passage you are sanctified when you are purged from “words to no profit,” [2 Tim 2:14], “profane and vain babblings,” [2 Tim 2:16], and “iniquity,” [2 Tim 2:19].  You are also to “flee youthful lusts,” [2 Tim 2:22] and avoid “foolish and unlearned questions,” [2 Tim 2:23].  These are the things that bring dishonor to vessels.  Christ doesn’t want to use vessels of dishonor for things reserved for vessels of honor.  In the temple, the vessels were to be clean.

Words to no profit are like the false doctrine of the pre-wrath rapture which are for the subverting of the hearers.  Profane and vain babblings are like the traditions of the Pharisees [Mk 7].  Iniquity is sin.  Youthful lusts are selfish, carnal desires.  Foolish and unlearned questions are like the questions the Pharisees and Sadducees asked in Matt 22:15-33.

According to verse 22, to be sanctified, you must follow:

    • Righteousness – you don’t produce your own righteousness by doing right; you have Christ’s righteousness [2 Cor 5:21] and become right by yielding to his righteousness in you [Rom 6:13, 16-18]
    • Faith – you read, believe and live by the words of God [Rom 10:17]
    • Charity – 1 Cor 13:1-8; the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost [Rom 5:5]
    • Peace – this is one part of the fruit of the Holy Spirit [Gal 5:22-23] that allows you to love peaceably with God and with others [Rom 12:18]

And you must have a pure heart; you are purified from the inside out.

Serving – 2 Tim 2:23-26 – serving is not striving [2 Tim 2:14, 23].  Some Christians are good at apologetics where they can win arguments with people over words to no profit and cleverly answer foolish and unlearned questions.  But vessels of honor who serve the Lord don’t strive.  Rather they are gentle [Gal 5:22 which is characteristic of the Holy Spirit in them; Jas 3:17 which is characteristic of the wisdom that is from above], apt to teach [because it is the word of God only that can instruct men in righteousness], patient [because it often takes a long time for people to repent] and meek [because we must be submissively obedient to the words of God ourselves to help others who aren’t].

People who are out of line with the truth of the words of God:

    • Oppose themselves – they think they oppose God; in fact they are hurting themselves
    • Must repent – except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish
    • Must acknowledge the truth – found in the Bible
    • Are ensnared by the devil – they are taken captive by him at his will
    • May recover themselves out of the snare of the devil – if they will do the above then they can recover themselves [but its like climbing back up out of a hole; they’ve got some work to do].