Confidence in the Lord, Ps 27:1-3

Confidence in the Lord Ps. 27: 1-3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

Is Your Confidence in the Lord?

When it comes to our life in the Lord, you must ask yourself this question.  In what or in whom am I placing my confidence.  Now, we are going to automatically say, “The Lord.”  But practically speaking, in what or in whom are you actually putting your confidence?

Don’t Put Confidence in Your Religion

Your confidence cannot be in your religion – Jer 48:13 – Your religion cannot save you.  No matter how well you keep your religion’s doctrine, you can only be saved by the Lord Jesus Christ [Jn 14:6; 1 Tim 2:5].  Ps 27:1-3, The Lord is your light and salvation and strength.

Don’t Put Confidence in Your Wealth

Your confidence cannot be in your wealth – Job 31:24-28 – men trust in gold and silver.  But these are uncertain riches and they are not durable riches. Riches profit not in the day of wrath.  Money cannot buy happiness, health, heaven, etc.  Your confidence must be in God’s words and in his promises 2 Cor 5:6-8.

Don’t Put Confidence in Your Flesh

Your confidence cannot be in your flesh – Phil 3:3-4 – men trust in their strength and in their opinions, education, wisdom, accomplishments and in their ways.  Yet, it is the Lord Jesus gives who gives us boldness and access to God with confidence, Eph 3:11-12.

Don’t Put Confidence in Princes

Your confidence cannot be in princes – Ps 118:9 – congressmen and senators, presidents and governors, and judges are necessary but our confidence is not in them. We can never forget that “In the fear of the Lord is strong confidence,” Prov 14:26.

Don’t Put Confidence in Man

Your confidence cannot be in man – Ps 118:8 – a lawyer or a doctor may be necessary but he is not to be your confidence.  A man may not be faithful in time of trouble Prov 25:19. Your confidence must be in God, who is always faithful.  We have confidence in his will and answered prayer 1 Jn 5:14. Though your confidence can be strengthened by a man Phil 1:14 and you can have confidence that men will respond to your words of exhortation from the Bible 2 Thes 3:4, our confidence must be in the Lord.

Put Your Confidence in the Lord

Conclusion: if your confidence is in your religion, you need to change that now and put your confidence and trust in the finished work of Jesus Christ.  And if your confidence is in your wealth, flesh, princes or man, change that now and put your confidence in the Lord.  He is the only one in whom to have confidence.