Wisdom Is Profitable To Direct Ecc 10:8-10

Wisdom is Profitable To Direct Eccl. 10: 8-10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

Wisdom is profitable to direct because:

Wisdom considers the best and safest way in every decision.  A man that digs a pit can fall in.  So, crews place steel bunkers inside holes they dig to protect the men in the pit and safety netting around the hole to keep you from falling in.  If you clear a hedge you can get bit by a snake.  So, you work with snake boots, long-handled tools, and observe where you are working very carefully.  If you lift stones you can hurt your back.  So, get help, use equipment, and wear a safety belt.  If you chop wood you can injure yourself or others.  So, make sure to wear protective gear [glasses, boots, gloves, hard hat, etc.] and make sure the head is securely on the axe.  It takes less strength to chop wood with a sharp axe than with a dull one.  So, a wise man makes sure to properly prepare before undertaking any task and considers the best way to go about implementing the decision he’s making.  Wisdom thinks a thing through.

Wisdom considers God’s perspective on every decision.  These verses are scripture.  God knows better than anyone in the universe the best course of action to take.  He knows what decision will yield the best result.  The disciples thought Jesus was wrong to go to the cross until they saw the resurrection and began to see the results of the preaching of the cross.  Then they realized the wisdom of his decision.  So, a wise man will see what God has to say about what he’s thinking before he decides what he’s going to do. And then he follows what God says.  Therefore, God blesses his decisions.

Wisdom considers others’ experience in every decision.  Other people, who have more experience than you do, can advise you about the pros and cons, the strengths and weaknesses, the costs and benefits of decisions you are trying to make.  They’ve been down the road and seen things that you haven’t seen yet.  You can be a genius and learn from their mistakes.  Solomon wrote these words from his own experience.  It’s wise to observe, to ask questions and to seek wise counsel before you decide.

Wisdom considers the consequences of every decision.  Consequences follow decisions as naturally as night follows day.  So, wisdom looks to the consequences of your actions and decisions and directs you to make the best choices based on how things will turn out.  Don’t just consider the positive outcomes but, more importantly, think carefully about the negative consequences.  Eve only considered the positive consequences of eating the fruit.  In other words, since a man can fall into a pit, you might decide not to dig it unless you can close it up or seal it completely the same day.  Since you might get snake bit clearing a hedge, you might decide not to clear it until you can bull doze it down or burn it.  Your emotions and reactions don’t consider consequences.  They only consider what feels good or what alleviates your current frustration.  Wisdom looks beyond your feelings, your reactions and your immediate desires and lusts.  Therefore, wisdom leads to the best results even though you might not be able to do what you want, the way you want, when you want.  That’s okay.  It’s better to want what you don’t have than to have what you don’t want.

Conclusion: Wisdom is profitable to direct.  So, take the wise approach in making your decisions.  Consider the best and safest way to proceed, follow what God says about it, consider the wisdom of others who have more experience in the matter than you do and consider the consequences of your actions, particularly the negative ones.