The Way to God Ex 40:1-7

The Way to God Ex. 40:1-7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO

The way to God is perfectly pictured in the tabernacle in Ex 40:1-7.  The way to God is through:

The way of sacrifice – brazen altar 40:6; 29:38-42 – on the brazen altar a clean animal was sacrificed on behalf of the person bringing it.  You must come through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God.  You cannot have access to God’s mercy without this.

The way of sanctification – brazen laver 40:7; 30:18-21 – the priests washed at the laver.  Sanctification involves the washing of regeneration at salvation [Titus 3:5].  You are sanctified by the Spirit [1 Cor 6:11].  And after salvation, the Lord wants us to be clean [2 Cor 7:1].  You are cleansed by the blood of Christ [1 Jn 1:9].  You are cleansed by the word of God [Jn 15:3].

The way of the scripture – the table of shewbread 40:4; 25:30; Lev 24:5-9 – this is the continual shewbread [Num 4:7].  It’s always there and it is refreshed continually.  This pictures the word of God, our bread [Matt 4:4] and the Word of God [Jesus Christ], our bread [Jn 6:35].

The way of the Spirit – the candlestick 40:4; 25:31; Lev 24:2-4 – the candlestick gives light over against the shewbread.  This pictures the Holy Spirit.  All scripture is given by inspiration of God, a work done by the Spirit of God [Jn 16:13; 2 Tim 3:16-17].  And we must be filled with the Spirit [Ex 27:20; 1 Sam 16:13].

The way of supplication – the altar of incense 40:5; 30:1-9 – incense is offered every morning and evening.  See Ps 141:2, Rev 8:3-4 for the connection of incense to prayer.  The Lord said, Come boldly unto the throne of grace.  That’s where we obtain mercy [mercy seat].

Conclusion: this tabernacle was set up on the first day of the first month.  We should begin immediately to live our lives this way.  Have you been saved by the shed blood of Jesus?  Are you daily sanctified by his word, his blood and his Spirit?  Do you read the Bible everyday?  Are you filled with the Spirit?  Is your prayer life sufficient to rise before the Lord like the sweet savor of incense?