Adult Christian Behavior
2 Cor. 13:5
Paul is finishing his second letter to the Corinthian church. He has spent years teaching and dealing with a young and carnal church. Now he leaves them with some instructions. It is time for them to start acting like adult Christians. There comes a time in our lives where we should put on the big boy pants and start doing some things in this passage.
Examine yourselves
- [Jude 3] This “faith” is not salvation but knowing what you should believe!
- [Eph. 4:5] One Faith, there is only one-way God wants things done
- [Eph. 4:13] unto a “perfect “man, what God has planned for you.
- It’s a lifelong process, learning doctrine and judging yourself [1 Cor.11:31-32]
- Have you started yet?
- When you become an adult you do the examinations, not your parents
Prove your own selves
- Try it out, test it! Put it to work. Do it!!!
- [Phil. 2:12] work out your own salvation, how to live it!
- [James 1:22] Be doers of the word, not hearers only
- [James 1:1-8] Benefits of trying your faith
- There comes a time that you need to start walking the walk
- You have the relationship with God, you are no longer under the umbrella of your parents
Acknowledge who’s in you
- [Eph.3:20] the power in us! You are not alone. Do you have a relationship?
- [Phil. 2:13] God which worketh in you!
- [1 Cor. 3:16] The temple of God
- [1Cor. 6:19-20] You are God’s
- If you examine yourself, and Prove your own self, and Acknowledge who’s in you, then you would really please God, and that is your purpose in life! [Rev.4:11]