Study to be Quiet, 1 Thes 4:11

In 1 Thes 4:11, Paul said that we need to study to be quiet.  In other words, being quiet is not something that comes to us naturally.  We used to call devotions our “quiet time” with the Lord.  In fact, we need to be quiet, at times.  Quietness is an indication of the Lord’s rest.  See Isaiah 14:7.  Kingdoms are quiet when rulers are obedient to God and defeat their enemies [i.e., 2 Chr 2 Chr 20:30].  The following passages show you certain areas of your life that need to be quiet and how to get these areas to be quiet.  You need a:

Quiet life – Proverbs 1:33; Psalm 131:2; 1 Peter 2:2.  We have a quiet life when we hearken to the words of God.  Everything around us is filled with noise.  Therefore, if you want your life to be quiet, you must read the Bible and listen to what God is saying to you.  In addition, 1 Timothy 2:2 tells us that we also need to pray for those in authority in order to have a quiet life. 

Quiet soul – Psalm 42:5; 42:11; 43:5.  There are many problems and stresses in life that disquiet your soul.  In order for your soul to be quiet, you see from these verses, you must hope in God.  You often cannot change your circumstances, but you can change from hopelessness to hope by hoping in God. 

Quiet spirit – 1 Peter 3:4.  This verse is directed to women.  When your husband is not obeying the word of God, he needs to see the hidden man of your heart, who is the Lord Jesus Christ.  He cannot see him unless you have a chaste conversation and a meek and quiet spirit.  Your meek and quiet spirit come from yielding to the Lord Jesus Christ in you.  

Quiet home – Ecc 4:6; Proverbs 17:1.  These verses show us that the accumulation of possessions often results in a disquieted home.  We live in a covetous society.  People measure their worth by their finances and their possessions.  Thus, they are not content.  And their homes, consequently, are disquieted.  Be content with such things as you have.  Contentment will quiet your home. 

Quiet workplace – 2 Thes 3:11-12.  There is far too much talk in the ordinary workplace.  There’s much gossip and there are many busybodies.  You can quiet your workplace by not listening to the gossip and by not repeating the gossip. You quiet the workplace by being quiet yourself.  Work is much more productive in a quiet workplace. 

Conclusion: there is no great doctrine in this message. However, there is a great deal of practical wisdom.  Now, you have studied how to be quiet. The thing to do next is to apply what you have learned.