When you get saved, Christ is is you. His presence in your life changes things completely. You are literally a new creature in Christ [2 Cor 3:17]. Christ in you:
Results in your death – Rom 8:9-11 – specifically Rom 8:10. When you get saved, everything about you should die. Your past is over. Your sins are under the blood of Jesus and behind you. Your old man is dead. Your ambitions, desires, goals, friendships, motives, and lusts are from a different life. You are owned by God and bought with a price. All of the things connected with your temporal life change. Old habits die hard, but they can die completely with Christ in you.
Gives you life – Gal 2:20 – Christ liveth in me. Everything in now different. Jesus gives you eternal life. Jesus gives life to you abundantly [Jn 10:10]. So, you need to start letting Christ live his life in you by faith. You are a new man. You have a new direction, new friends, new habits, new desires, etc. Prayer, Bible reading, and fellowship with God are your desires. You love good preaching and teaching. Jesus gives you peace, joy and love. You love God’s holy words. By the way, modern bibles are for carnal Christians, who want God “their way,” and who don’t want all of what God said.
Makes you perfect – Heb 13:20-21 – Jesus is accomplishing his will in your life and it is well pleasing to him and enjoyable to you. Paul could finish his ministry with joy [Acts 20:26]. We can rejoice evermore [1 Thes 5:16]. We are perfect in the sense that Noah was perfect [Gen 6:9], or that Job was perfect [Job 1:1, 8]. When the scripture is given to you by inspiration it makes you perfect [2 Tim 3:16-17].
Brings you comfort – Jn 14:18 – because you are living a life that is out of this world. The world hates you and envies you for living justly [Prov 29:27]. Plus, you and I still go through the normal struggles of life like everyone else. So, the Lord brings us comfort.
Gives you hope – Col 1:27 – Christ in us is the hope of glory. The hope of eternal life [Titus 1:2] is the promise of God. Our hope is steadfast and sure [Heb 6:18-20]. With Christ in us we have assurance of our salvation and victory in Christ. He is the overcomer, the conqueror, and the victor.
Conclusion: Consider all that we have with Christ in us. There is nothing in a carnal Christian life to compare with a life yielded to the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ inside of you.