Sifted by Satan

Sifted by Satan

Luke 22:31-34

                Sift: to examine minutely or critically, to scrutinize, Separate the fine from the course. In Bible times threshing floors were used to separate the grain from the chaff. The wheat was crushed by oxen walking on it, then it was thrown in the air, winnowing. The process was very uncomfortable for the wheat, Satan makes it the same for you.Vere 32 – Christ didn’t pray for Peter to have Courage, Strength, or Wisdom. He prayed “that thy faith fail not”. Context is the up coming denial of Christ by Peter. Peter’s greatest test or trial of his life was this temptation of his faith in Jesus. We see the warning in verses 39-46. They had been with Jesus through his temptations verse 28, 4:13, Heb. 4:15. Job 1:9-11, 2:3-9 Satan’s desire to get Job to curse God. Satan sifts us and the Lord prays that our faith fails not. Every sin is a temptation that test your faith in Jesus.

Jesus Christ could have withheld this temptation by Satan but didn’t. Why?

Peter found out that Satan desired to have him, the reality  Verse 31, 1 Pet.5:8 “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:” Satan’s sift is temptation. It is real! He is real! You can be sifted by: Illness, Financial, Marriage, Children, Work, Success, Persecutions, Loss.

Sifting is an Opportunity to Trust God, and not let Satan win!

Peter found out how weak he really was              Verse 33-34, 62 Ever been brought to tears because your faith failed, and you fell for the temptation? Peter had a Godly sorrow, he found out how weak he really was! Paul – 2Cor.12:7-10 began to take pleasure in it! Christianity is easy to talk, but hard to walk.

Sifting is an Opportunity to Trust God, and not let Satan win!

Peter was moved out of his comfort zone            Mark 8:27-33     Peter was comfortable with the life he had with Jesus, but trouble came! Life never changes, so we never change. Comfort zone when a loved one gets cancer! Changed forever! 1 Pet.4:12-16 think it not strange.When Satan sifts you, your comfort zone is gone!

Sifting is an Opportunity to Trust God, and not let Satan win!

Peter was made better for it      verse 32 Jn.21:15-17 He loved the Lord and took the reproof, and grew. 1 Pet.1:6-7 He learned how precious the trial of your faith is. He did strengthen others in Acts his preaching brought many to Christ. Your sifting by Satan can be a very great help to you and others! I was made a much better person because of My wife’s Cancer fight! Great to go through life with out being sifted, but it’s a great opportunity to grow and be better for it. Any boot camp is a sifting process, all are made better for it.

Sifting is an Opportunity to Trust God, and not let Satan win!