In prior broadcasts we studied the unruly tongue and its wicked manifestations. In this broadcast we will study a wise wholesome tongue and its various manifestations. A good tongue is a:
Wise tongue – Prov 12:18 – “the tongue of the wise is health,” [Prov 15:2]. Pray for a wise tongue [Jas 1:5]. Solomon prayed for understanding and God gave him a wise and understanding heart [1 Ki 3:9, 12]. Get in the Bible and let the Bible get in you. Stand where the Bible stands and say what the Bible says. Learn to say the right thing, in the right way, at the right time [Prov 15:23].
Wholesome tongue – Prov 15:4 – “a wholesome tongue is a tree of life.” Rather than criticize others and complain to God, find ways to encourage and strengthen others. Discouragement knocks a lot of people out of the race. Encourage them with a wholesome tongue. Give them excellent counsel. It should be our desire to edify others.
Soft tongue – Prov 25:15 – “a soft tongue breaketh the bone.” People think they need to be demanding and mean to persuade someone who is adamant. But the Bible says that a soft tongue is what is needed. You don’t have to beat them down. Speak softly and let the words of God do the work. Prov 15:1, “a soft answer turneth away wrath…”
Confessing tongue – Rom 10:9-10 – “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus…” Phil 2:11, “every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.” Rom 14:11, “every tongue shall confess to God.” We need to confess the Lord Jesus Christ before men that others who don’t know him can get to know him.
Bridled tongue – Job 6:24; Ps 34:13 – “I will hold my tongue,” [Ps 39:1; Prov 21:23; Jas 1:26]. You are better off saying nothing than saying something foolish. W.A.I.T. (“Why Am I Talking”) before you speak. The less you say, the better.
Conclusion: before you were saved you couldn’t have a good tongue because you had a bad heart. Now that you are saved and your heart is beginning to clean up, you should begin to see the qualities of a good tongue appear in your life. Develop these qualities.