At Christmas time, people generally remember the birth of Jesus Christ and, therefore, his first coming. He is coming again. In this lesson, we will compare the first and second coming of Jesus.
Similarities in the first and second coming of Jesus:
Preceded by a forerunner – Jesus was preceded by John the Baptist at his first coming [Matt 3:1-4; Matt 11:7-15]. Jesus will be preceded by Elijah at his second coming [Mal 4:5; Rev 11:1-12].
Heralded by angels – the angel of the Lord appeared to the shepherds and was accompanied by a multitude of the heavenly host at Jesus’s first coming [Lk 2:8-15]. He shall send forth his angels with the sound of a trumpet to gather his elect at his second coming [Matt 24:29-31; Is 11:11-12].
Arrived in Israel – when Jesus dwelt in Capernaum at his first coming, he fulfilled Isaiah’s prophecy in Is 9:1-2 [Matt 4:12-16]. When he returns, he will come to Israel again [Is 9:1-7].
- He died at Jerusalem at his first coming [Matt 27:33]. He will reign in Jerusalem at his second coming [Zech 14:9, 16-17].
- He ascended from the Mt of Olives at the end of his first coming [Acts 1:9-12]. He will dismount on the Mt of Olives when he returns at his second coming [Zech 14:3-4].
- He went up in the clouds [Acts 1:11] and he will return in the clouds [Matt 24:30].
God with us – when he came the first time he was God with us [Matt 1:23]. When he returns he will be God with us [Is 8:9-10]. Jerusalem will be called, “The LORD is there,” [Ezek 48:35].
Came to save his people – Jesus came to save his people [Israel] at his first coming [Matt 1:21; Lk 4:18-21]. He will save Israel at his return [Is 61:1-3; Jer 30:7; Rom 11:25-27].
Disparities in the first and second coming of Jesus:
He came as a servant the first time [Matt 20:26-28]. He submitted himself to “their” rule [Matt 22:21; Matt 17:24-27]. He returns as the King [Rev 19:11-16; Rev 11:15]. They will submit to his rule [Ps 2:9-12].
He arrived in Jerusalem on a colt the first time [Matt 21:2-5]. He will return on a white horse [Rev 19:11].
No one knew he had come the first time until the angels announced his birth [Lk 2:9-14]. Everyone will know when he returns [Rev 1:7].
They killed him the first time [Acts 3:13-15]. He will kill them when he returns [2 Thes 1:7-9, Rev 6:16-17].
He was despised and rejected the first time [Is 53:3]. He will be exalted when he returns [Phil 2:9-11]. Every knee shall bow.
Jerusalem was trodden down of the Gentiles after he left [Matt 24:1-2]. Jerusalem will be trodden down of the Gentiles before he returns [Lk 21:22-24; Rev 11:1-2].
Conclusion: too much attention is paid to Jesus’s birth these days and not enough time is devoted to looking for his return. He is coming back and we should be looking for him [Titus 2:13].