Thou Livest and Art Dead, Rev 3:1

The church in Sardis had a name that they lived, and yet they were dead.  There are so many Christians like this today.  Because we are saved, we are alive in Christ.  We are born again.  We have eternal life.  We are going to heaven when we die.  Yet, despite the fact that we are alive in Christ, many Christians are, in fact, living like they’re dead.

So how is it that thou livest and art dead?

Because you won’t take up your cross – Mk 8:34-35 – In Rom 6:3-11 our old man is crucified with him. v.6.  If we be dead with Christ… we shall also live with him, v.8.  Reckon yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord, v.11.  We are supposed to be crucified with Christ so that he can live his life in us, Gal 2:20.  And this death is a daily death, 1 Cor 15:31.  Thus, if you follow Rom 8:13 you will live.  You say, “I just can’t figure this out; it doesn’t make sense.”  You don’t figure this out and then start doing it.  You start doing it and then you figure it out.  Believe what he said.  You’ll see.

Because you’ve wandered out of the way of understanding – Prov 21:16 – the way of understanding is found in the Bible and in a Bible preaching, Bible teaching, Bible believing church.  When people wander out of the way of the Bible and out of a good church, they may think they are alive.  But they are not.  They remain in the congregation of the dead.  I’m thinking of some who have wandered out.  They have a name that they live.  Yet, they are as dead as a hammer.  You try to talk to them about spiritual matters and they can’t even fake a good response.  They’re just dead.  

Because you’re carnally minded – Rom 8:6 – for to be carnally minded is death.  Saved folks who are not spiritually minded don’t have the life and peace that spiritually minded Christians do.  Carnally minded Christians have chosen pleasure over trusting in God and they are dead to spiritual things. This life of pleasure affects Christians as well as non-Christians [2 Tim 3:4-5].  When you choose a life of pleasure over godliness, you have a form of godliness but you deny the power thereof.  And you also lose the promised blessing of your future reign with Christ [2 Tim 2:11-12].

Because you’re not really saved – Rev 3:1 – thou hast “a name” that thou livest, and art dead.  You call yourself “a Christian,” but you have never been saved.  You certainly are still dead in this case.  What you need is to be made alive in Jesus by being saved.  Jesus died, was buried, and rose again so that by faith in him you can have eternal life.  When you have eternal live, you’re alive in him; you are no longer dead in trespasses and sins [Eph 2:1].

Conclusion: If you are not saved, will you trust Jesus Christ to save you and give you eternal life today?  If you are saved, but you haven’t taken up your cross, or you have wandered out of the way, or you have been carnally minded, will you turn from this death and live again?