Fear God for Nought?

Fear God for Nought?

Job 1:9


  • Read Job 1:1-12
  • Satan laid out four ways that God has hedged Job in, and claims that is why Job fears God
  • Satan does not question that he is a perfect and upright man, and escheweth evil, those things are clearly seen. Truly fearing God may not be seen as easily
  • Satan says if you touch that, he will curse you to your face
  • Let us take the time to do a self-examination of our fear of God
  • If all were lost, damaged, or completely destroyed would you fear or curse God?

Verse 10, “Hast not thou made an hedge about…”


  • This is Physical, Verse 12, cannot touch him, 2:1-6 cannot kill him
  • 2:7-8 Head to toe! Job was smitten physically bad
  • Job’s reaction, verses 9-10 He Did not curse God!
  • Life is both, good and evil!
  • Why me? Why not you?
  • It has been said, “your health is all you have”
  • Physical health can affect your emotions, and your spiritual health
  • Illustration of when I was stricken with Eczema from head to toe and the affect it had on my spirit and on my spiritual fellowship with God
  • Prov.18:14 The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity; but a wounded spirit who can bear?
  • MUST Choose to believe the Book, Your Father loves you, He wants what is best for you, He never makes a mistake, and there is never surprise in Heaven.
  • Many people become bitter when they suffer loss in these.
  • Do you fear God for nought, or no matter what?

His House

  • This is Personal. That is Job’s family
  • He went way beyond the call of duty for his family, Verse 5
  • Spouses, children, parents, relatives, relationships, that is your house!
  • Illustration of the loss of my spouse and how it grew me closer to God
  • Sickness – Birth defects… God made them just as he wished.
  • Maureen’s story of raising Hannah and a point where she shook her fist at God.
  • Rebellion – of children, and the broken hearts and tears
  • MUST Choose to believe the Book, Your Father loves you, He wants what is best for you, He never makes a mistake, and there is never surprise in Heaven.
  • Many people become bitter when they suffer loss in these.
  • Do you fear God for nought, or no matter what?

All He Hath

  • This is all his Possessions
  • He had much, Verse 3
  • Riches, wealth, Stuff we all have or collect
  • Illustration – Hurricanes, Fires, stock market, lose all in a blink of an eye
  • Story of my lost wedding ring and how destroyed I was.
  • Matthew 6:20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:
  • Verse 20, Job worshiped!
  • MUST Choose to believe the Book, Your Father loves you, He wants what is best for you, He never makes a mistake, and there is never surprise in Heaven.
  • Many people become bitter when they suffer loss in these.
  • Do you fear God for nought, or no matter what?

The work of his hands

  • This is his Prestige   Job was well known!
  • The work of your hands is who you are! Your Identity.
  • Your profession, fortune, fame, or reputation
  • Being a Mother – empty nest    Missionaries that fail on the field
  • Illustration of being a Licensed Master Plumber, Business Owner etc. and the feeling of loss when it was over. When it stops, what will you do?
  • MUST Choose to believe the Book, Your Father loves you, He wants what is best for you, He never makes a mistake, and there is never surprise in Heaven.
  • Many people get bitter when there is a loss in this area
  • Do you fear God for nought, or no matter what?


  • We spend much of our time and prayer trying to avoid suffering.
  • When suffering causes learning and growth closer to God.
  • Truly the suffering passes, and we get to keep all that was learned and the fellowship we have with God.
  • MUST Choose to believe the Book, Your Father loves you, He wants what is best for you, He never makes a mistake, and there is never surprise in Heaven.
  • Do you fear God no matter what?