What God Committed to Us, 2 Cor 5:18-21

In the Bible, the word “commit” is used in two principle ways.  It either means to do or perpetrate something, like commit adultery, commit iniquity, commit sin, or it means to give in trust, to put into the hands or power of another.  This is the way it is first used in Gen 39, for example.  In Gen 39:8, Joseph said of Potiphar, “he hath committed all that he hath to my hand.”  In Gen 39:22, “the keeper of the prison committed to Joseph’s hand all the prisoners that were in the prison.”

When we were saved, we committed the keeping of our souls to Jesus Christ.  Paul said, “I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day,” 2 Tim 1:12.  Peter said, “Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator,” 1 Pet 4:19.  We’ve entrusted our souls to him.  And thank the Lord that he is faithful.  We can count on him to keep us saved.

Like Potiphar committed all that he had to Joseph’s hands and like we have committed our souls to the Lord’s safe keeping, God has committed some things to our hands.  He has entrusted his people with some of his very important matters.  And we, like Joseph, and like Jesus, must be faithful to keep these things and do them.

God committed his oracles to Jews – Rom 3:1-2 – 2 Sam 16:23 men inquired at the oracle of God.  The oracle was the place in the house of God where the ark of the covenant was set, 1 Ki 6:19.  God communed with them and spoke to them from here, Ex 25:22.  The oracles, then, are the words that God spoke, as in Acts 7:38.  All the authors in the Bible were Jewish.  God committed his words to them and we have his actual words, now translated into English, in our King James Bible.  Therefore, when we speak, we can speak as the oracles of God, 1 Pet 4:11.

God committed his gospel to Paul – 1 Cor 9:16-17, 1 Tim 1:11-15 – and Paul was faithful to the Lord.  He preached the gospel and never compromised it one time.  He was finally martyred for his preaching of the gospel, but not until he had written down all that God had given him, and committed it to men like Timothy.  In 1 Tim 1:18-20 Paul committed a charge to Timothy to war a good warfare and hold the faith.  Paul told Timothy to hold fast the form of sound words, 1 Tim 1:13-14.  In 2 Tim 2:2, Paul instructed Timothy to commit to other faithful men what Paul had given him so that they could teach others also.  Consequently, this gospel has been passed down all the way to us to keep and to preach.  And we must do the same for other faithful men.

God committed his word of reconciliation to us – 2 Cor 5:18-21 – God “hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.”  The Jews were faithful when God entrusted to them the oracles, despite the perversions of false prophets, traditions of the elders, and corruptions of many in Paul’s day.  Paul was faithful when God entrusted the gospel to him, despite the perversions of legalists and accusations of false accusers.  We must, therefore, be faithful with the word of reconciliation that God has entrusted to us, despite the resistance of many to God’s reconciliation.  We must preach the gospel to them, answer as the oracles of God, and seek to reconcile them to God.

Conclusion: What are you doing with that which God entrusted to us?