The Caldron, Ezek 11:1-12

Like Flesh in a Caldron

In the first part of Ezekiel chapter 11, Ezekiel confronts the wicked princes who believe that they are safe in Jerusalem, like flesh in a caldron.  

Ezekiel Brought to the East Gate

In Ezek 11:1 the Sprit lifts Ezekiel up and brings him to the door of the east gate.  There are twenty-five men there.  Ezekiel records the names of two of them, Jaazaniah and Pelatiah, princes of the people.

The Wicked Counsel of the Princes and their Caldron

In Ezek 11:2-3 these men had been devising mischief and had been giving wicked counsel in the city.  Their counsel included three things mentioned here:

  • It is not near – that is, the judgment prophesied by prophets like Jeremiah is not coming.  In Jer 28:1-4 you can read the false prophecy of Hananiah.  He was dead wrong about the release of the captives in Babylon.
  • Let us build houses – they were saying that the Chaldeans were not going to come and carry them away captive.  Therefore, they should build houses.  Contrast their words with Jeremiah’s prophecy to the captives in Babylon, Jer 29:4-10.
  • This city is the caldron, and we be the flesh – in other words, the walls of this city are like a steel caldron (a large kettle or boiler) and those of us inside the walls are like the flesh in the caldron.  That is, we are protected.  So, we’re safe.

Ezekiel’s Prophecy Against the Princes and their Caldron

In Ezek 11:4-5 the Lord told Ezekiel to prophesy against them.  And the Spirit of the Lord came upon him and he spoke what the Lord gave him to speak.  “Thus saith the Lord.”  Contrast his words with the false prophets who were prophesying falsely, Deut 18:22.  Their words did not come to pass.

The Lord said, “I know the things that come into your mind, every one of them.”  David knew this, Ps 139:1-4.  The Lord was saying, “I know what you’re thinking.”

The Princes’ Evil Deeds Against God

In Ezek 11:6, they had killed many of their own people, multiplied the slain, and filled the streets with the slain.  Manasseh was particularly bad about this, 2 Ki 21:16, 24:3-4.

In Ezek 11:12 the Lord said that they had not walked in his statutes, they had not executed judgments, and they had done after the manners of the heathen round about.  We saw this in Israel, 2 Ki 17:14-18, 22.  And Judah was doing worse than they did, 2 Ki 17:19; Ezek 16:46-47.  Ahaz’s altar designed after the pattern of the altar in Damascus is a classic example, 2 Ki 16:10-12.

God’s Judgment Against the Princes

In Ezek 11:7 the slain are the flesh and the city is the caldron for them.  The Lord was saying, “They’re stuck here.”  But he was going to bring these other men out of the midst of it.  And he did.  See 2 Ki 25:18-21.  The city walls didn’t protect them, 2 Ki 25:4, 10. 

In Ezek 11:8 he was going to bring the sword against them.  In Ezek 11:10 he told them that they were going to fall by the sword.  And they did, 2 Ki 25:4-7.  Zedekiah rebelled, he ignored prophets, and did the abominations of the heathen.  So the Lord brought a sword against them, 2 Chr 36:11-17.

In Ezek 11:9, he was going to deliver them into the hands of strangers who were going to execute judgments upon them.  See 2 Ki 25:9-11.

In Ezek 11:10 he was going to judge them in the border of Israel.  He did.  They were judged at Riblah in the border of Hamath, 2 Ki 23:33 where Pharaohnecho had done it before and where Nebuchadnezzar did it in 2 Ki 25:20-21.

Conclusion to the Caldron

In Ezek 11:12 he concludes his prophecy with the familiar words, “you shall know that I am the Lord.”