That Ye May Know
Wisdom, revelation, and understanding are the three things that Paul ceased not to mention in his prayers for the Ephesians [1:16]. We have learned the advantage of praying for others and ourselves to have these things. Paul now tells the Ephesians that they need these so, “that ye may know”, (1) the hope of his calling, (2) the riches of the glory of his inheritance, and (3) the greatness of his power. These are three things that every Christian should know and know well.
The hope of his calling (v:18)
[Eph.4:4] We all have only one hope of our calling, so every Christian has the same calling because there is only one! This calling is not an individual calling such as being called to preach or some sort of missionary service. It is some thing that every Christian is called to do. [2Thes.1:4-12] [2Tim.1:8-12] Christians, you are called to suffer. We are to suffer so that name of the Lord Jesus Christ will be glorified in or through us. [Rom.8:16-18] Our sufferings don’t compare to the glory that shall be revealed in us!The hope that every Christian has is that All things get way better, just not here and now. Hope in your Bible is not something that is uncertain, just the opposite. [Heb.11:1] Hope is something expected! [Prov.10:28, 11:7]
The riches of the glory of his inheritance (v:18)
A Christian must know that the riches of the glory of his inheritance are far greater than anything that you may be able to acquire here in this world. It is extremely difficult for a young man to deny himself throughout his life of employment so that he can reap the riches of his retirement. We all want all the riches NOW. As a Christian you need to know that payday is not here and now. Payday is way later and not in this world. [Matt.16:24-27] Jesus explains to his disciples the need to deny yourself and look for the rewards later. [1Cor.2:9] We have no idea of the riches of the glory of his inheritance! [1Pet.1:4] It is reserved in heaven for you.
The greatness of his power (v:19-23)
We are called to suffer now and be glorified later. We are to deny ourselves now so that we get the riches of the glory of his inheritance later. Later only comes because of the greatness of his power. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead, is the same power that will raise you from the dead, glorifies you and gives you an inheritance. [Eph.3:7] Paul got the power to accomplish all that he did for the Lord from God. We also are given access to this power [Eph.6:10]. Every Christian should know that he must have the greatness of God’s power to walk this Christian life.
God wants you to know that suffering now for the name of Christ is a calling that you have been given, and you can be certain that it will get way better. Deny yourself now and reap an inheritance later. God has made his power available to every Christian so that you can accomplish everything he has for you to do. Because of the greatness of his power, we can depend on these great promises!