Jonathan’s Love For David, 1 Sam 1:26

In 2 Sam 1:26, David said of Jonathan, “thy love to me was wonderful, passing the love of women”.  In Jonathan’s wonderful love for David we find an example of what our love should be for Jesus.  Jonathan was a soldier and David was over the men of war.  Likewise, we are soldiers and Jesus is the captain of our salvation.  We should love him like Jonathan loved David.

We know that we are to love the Lord with all of our heart, soul and mind.  The church of Ephesus, while it was a great laboring and working church, had to repent because they had left their first love, Rev 2:4.  By this we understand that our love for the Lord is more important to him than our work for the Lord. Paul helped us to understand this truth in 1 Cor 13:1-3.

In Jonathan’s love for David, we find a demonstration of what our love should be for Jesus.  Jonathan loved David as his own soul, 1 Sam 18:1.  This happened after David had killed Goliath.  Likewise, because the Lord has delivered us from the devil by saving our souls, we should love him as our own souls.  In 1 Sam 19:2 Jonathan delighted in David.  Jonathan’s soul was knit with David’s.  Our souls should be knit with Christ.

Jonathan’s love was knit with his covenant.  Jonathan made a covenant with David – 1 Sam 18:3.  Likewise, there should be with us an agreement that the Lord will be first and foremost in our lives from now on.  The Lord’s covenant with us is that he will never leave nor forsake us.  Our covenant with him should be that we will never leave him, either.  Have you made this covenant with him?

Jonathan’s love was knit with his gift.  Jonathan gave his garments to David, including his sword, his bow, and his girdle, 1 Sam 18:4.  According to 1 Sam 13:22, Saul and Jonathan were the only ones in the army of Israel who had swords.  When Jonathan gave his sword to David, he gave him his most prized possession.  When he gave him his robe, he gave him a royal robe.  We are reminded of Mary’s alabaster box.  Hers was a precious gift.  Likewise, we should show our love for Jesus by giving him a precious gift.  What have you given him?

Jonathan’s love was knit with his word.  In 1 Sam 19:4, Jonathan spoke good of David to Saul, who wanted to kill him.  In 1 Sam 20:31-34, Jonathan stood up for David when Saul wanted to kill him.  We must speak up and stand up for our Lord.  Bro Sehmish preached that putting in a good word for Jesus can be hardest among family.  However, Jonathan was not afraid to defend David in front of his father, Saul.  Have you spoken up for Jesus among your friends and family?

Jonathan’s love was knit with his fellowship.  In 1 Sam 23:13-18, Saul tried every day to find David so he could kill him.  Yet he failed to find him.  When Jonathan wanted to see David, he knew where to find him even when he was hiding.  Ps 91:1 says, “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty”.  Do you and the Lord meet in the secret place of the most High?

Model your love for Jesus after the love that Jonathan had for David.