The Destruction of Egypt, Ezek 30

In Ezek 30:1-26 we will study the destruction of Egypt.  The prophecy has a two fold application.  It was fulfilled, in part, when Nebuchadnezzar attacked Egypt after he attacked Judah.  And it will be ultimately fulfilled at the time of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.  

v.2 Prophesy Thus saith the Lord God, Howl ye, Woe worth the day!  Worth is an intransitive verb used only in phrases like this one.  It means “become”.  The phrase woe worth the day, therefore, means woe be to the day!

The Destruction of Egypt at the Second Advent

v.3 The day of the Lord is near.  The day of the Lord is a reference to the Tribulation and Second advent.  It’s a cloudy day, Joel 2:1-2.  It’s the time of the heathen.  During the Tribulation, before Israel is saved, the fulness of the Gentiles comes in, Rom 11:25.  

v.4 The sword will come upon Egypt, the slain will fall, the multitude will be taken, and the foundations will be broken down.

v.5-6 Her allies will fall with her.  The pride of her power will come down.

v.7 She shall be desolate and her cities shall be wasted

v.8 The Lord will set a fire in Egypt and her helpers shall be destroyed. They’ll know that I am the Lord.  So, this prophecy is to let you know that the historical accounts that follow will be repeated in the future, Jer 25:15-33.

The Destruction of Egypt by Nebuchadnezzar

v.9 In that day, the Lord will send messengers in ships to the careless Ethiopians to make them afraid, and great pain shall come upon them when they hear what the Lord is doing in Egypt.  This is true during Nebuchadnezzar’s attacks and also at the Second Advent, Zeph 2:12.

v.10-11 The Lord sends Nebuchadrezzar and the terrible of the nations, his allies, to destroy Egypt and slay her multitude.  Egypt disregarded the warning in Jer 27:5-11, because all nations were supposed to serve him. 

He Destroys the Land, the Idols, and the Cities

v.12 The Lord makes the rivers dry.  He makes the land waste by the hand of strangers.

v.13 The Lord destroys the idols, takes away the prince and puts fear in Egypt.

v.14-16 He makes Pathros desolate, he sets fire in Zoan, and he executes judgment in No.  He pours fury upon Sin and cuts off the multitude of No.  He sets fire in Egypt.  Sin has pain, No is rent asunder, and Noph has distresses daily.

He Kills the Young Men and Takes the Daughters Captive

v.17 The young men of Aven and Pibiseth fall by the sword and the cities go into captivity.

v.18 The Lord darkens the day at Tehaphnehes, breaks the yokes of Egypt, covers her with a cloud, and her daughters are taken captive.

v.19 These are the judgments against Egypt (all over the country).  And they shall know that I am the Lord.

The Two Arms of Pharaoh Broken

v.20 This is another prophecy. Jeremiah prophesied the following in Jer 46:1-26.

v.21 The Lord said, “I have broken the arm of Pharaoh” (Jer 46:1-12) and it won’t be bound up to be healed.  A roller is like a splint or a cast.

v.22 The Lord said he would break both arms, the strong and the broken.  So, this is a subsequent attack (Jer 46:13-26).  The first attack at the Euphrates breaks Pharaoh’s arm.  The second attack in Egypt breaks both arms so that the sword falls out of his hand.

v.23 Then the Lord scatters them and disperses them through the countries.

The Lord’s Sword in Nebuchadnezzar’s Hand

v.24 The Lord said, I will strengthen the hands of the king of Babylon and put my sword in his hand.  Pharaoh will groan with the groaning of a deadly wounded man.

v.25 I will strengthen the arms of the king of Babylon and the arms of Pharaoh shall fall down.  They shall know that I am the Lord when I put my sword into the hand of the king of Babylon.  He’ll stretch it against Egypt.

v.26 I’ll scatter and disperse the Egyptians. And they’ll know that I am the Lord.