Relevance of the Resurrection, Lk 20:36

What is the relevance of the resurrection?  What does the resurrection mean to us today?  We can answer these questions from the scripture.  

The relevance of the resurrection is that we are:

The children of the resurrection, Lk 20:36.  Because we have trusted Jesus Christ as our Savior, we are children of the resurrection.  We are alive in Him.  He beat death.  So, don’t despair when you’re facing death.  Jesus said of the chidden of the resurrection, “Neither can they die anymore”.

As children of the resurrection, we have:

The likeness of his resurrection, Rom 6:5.  Our old man is dead and we are walking in newness of life.  You can leave your past in the past.  Phil Robertson said that after he got saved, when his old drinking buddies came to party with him, he told them, “The old Phil is dead”.  We’ve got a new life now.  According to 2 Cor 5:17, “Behold all things are become new”.

The power of his resurrection, Phil 3:10.  The power that raised Jesus Christ is in you, Rom 8:11.  You have the power to have victory over sin in your life and to stand against our enemies.  But to tap into this power, you must accept the fellowship of his sufferings.  You have to die to yourself to live to him.  He lives in you.  

The witness of his resurrection, Acts 4:33.  The apostles gave witness with great power.  Not only did they confess the risen Savior, but they lived for the world to come, not for the world we are in.  The earl Christians gave everything away.  They were not accumulating wealth.  They were much more concerned with the souls of men than they were with their personal assets.

The hope by his resurrection, 1 Pet 1:3-4.  We have an incorruptible inheritance, undefiled, that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for us.  Our lives should not be consumed with everything down here.  Our affections should be on things above, Col 3:1-3.  That’s where our inheritance is.

Conclusion: Today you have seen from the scripture the relevance of the resurrection.  Conform every area of you life to the resurrection and you will see remarkable spiritual growth as a result.