The Name of the Lord

The Name of the Lord

Psalm 148:13

The verse for this lesson speaks of the Excellency of the name of the Lord with the context being about creation which shows how great and powerful our God truly is. In this lesson we will look at some of the things that are connected with the name of the Lord and how they are related to us today in the church age.

The Name of the Lord in the Old Testament:

There are many things said about the name of the Lord in the Old Testament but we will look at a few for our lesson today.

  • Many called upon the name of the Lord (Genesis 4:26 ; 12:8 ; 26:25)
  • Great things were accomplished in the name of the Lord (1 Samuel 17:45)
  • It was a name of safety and refuge (Psalm 20:7 ; Psalm 124:8)
  • It was a name to be feared (Psalm 102:15)

Our Salvation:

The name of the Lord is connected with our Salvation (Romans 10:13). It is only through the name of the Jesus that a person can be saved (John 14:6 ; Acts 4:12). This is because the Lord Jesus Christ is the one who died on the cross, rose again, and lives to make intercession for us (Hebrews 7:25).

After our Salvation:

The basis of our salvation is connected with the name of the Lord as shown above and in 1 Corinthians 6:11. But the name of the Lord should also affect our lives after Salvation. We are told in Colossians 3:17 that whatever we do should be done in the name of the Lord. This means that if we can not do something in God’s name or with his blessing then we should not be doing it. This will answer the question for us many times if something is right or wrong. Remember as saved people we are carrying the name of the Lord to the rest of the world, let us bring honor and glory to his name and not shame and reproach.

The Name of the Lord : Handout

Psalm 148:13

1)  What is the name of the Lord connected with in the verse for this study?

2)  What are somethings we see regarding the name of the Lord in the Old Testament?

3)  How is the name of the Lord connected with our salvation?

4)  How should the name of the Lord affect our lives after salvation?