We are supposed to be laborers together with God, 1 Cor 3:8-11. We are built into a building that is supposed to grow, Eph 2:19-22. It grows because the laborers build upon the foundation of Jesus Christ. But the laborers appear to be distracted laborers these days.
A man, rebelling against the government in Ethiopia, fled because he was wanted as a political opponent. After successfully relocating, the Lord saved him and he began to earnestly pray and witness to others about the gospel of Jesus Christ. As a result, he was wanted in that country for “religious proselytizing”. So, he fled to Sudan.
While there, many souls were saved through his witness and testimony. However, following further religious persecution, he sought refuge in the USA. In our country, he received a seminary education, ultimately receiving his doctorate. He said that a doctorate was necessary for him to reach the next generation of Ethiopians in the USA. What caused him to lose his zealous and earnest witness and become “professional” in his approach to the ministry?
I’ve noticed that many missionaries these days approach the ministry this same “professional” way. Building a building and starting a Bible Institute are now the marks of success. Whereas, in the beginning of the gospel, the disciples traveled light, Matt 10. The early Christians met by a river, or in synagogues, or in houses, etc. And yet, many were getting saved. What’s happened?
We have become distracted laborers:
Cumbered Lk 10:40. Martha was cumbered about much serving. So, she missed the personal time of fellowship with the Lord. Without this time with the Lord, we are ineffective in our labor for him. Check your schedule and make sure not to skip the adequate time in personal fellowship with Jesus. Much of the other stuff eating your time isn’t essential.
Entangled 2 Tim 2:4. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life. We are soldiers. We have been given the whole armor of God. Most of our armor is defensive so that we can stand against attacks of the devil. Yet, the sword of the Spirit and the feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace are offensive weapons. So, use them in an effort to win the lost to Christ. If you are a soldier entangled with the affairs of this life, get yourself untangled. You are in a fight for the lives of others.
Complacent Rev 3:17. The word “complacent” means marked by self-satisfaction especially when accompanied by unawareness of actual deficiencies. This is exactly what is going on in Laodicea. With all of the things we possess and maintain, we say that we have need of nothing. However, we know not our true condition. The word in us can easily be choked by cares and riches and pleasures of this life, Lk 8:14.
Conclusion: we cannot take our eyes off the main objective. We cannot become distracted laborers. There are still souls to save. There are still stones that must be added to the building of God’s temple for the building to be complete. If you are cumbered, entangled, or complacent, deal with these problems and get back to the basic work of helping the lost come to Jesus.