Doctrines of Salvation Lesson #5 Baptized with the Holy Ghost and by the Holy Ghost.

Doctrines of Salvation

Lesson #5 : Baptized with the Holy Ghost and by the Holy Ghost

In this lesson of our series on the Doctrines of Salvation, we are going to be focusing on two baptisms. The first one is being baptized with the Holy Ghost and the second one is being baptized by the Holy Ghost into the Body of Christ. These may appear to be the same but as we will see they are different.

In Matthew 3:11 John the Baptist mentions three different baptisms. He says that he is baptizing with water and that Jesus will baptize with the Holy Ghost and with Fire. Many try to make the fire baptism figurative or connect it with receiving the Holy Ghost, but it is literally being thrown into the Lake of Fire.

Baptized with the Holy Ghost:

The first thing to see regarding being baptized with the Holy Ghost is that Jesus is the one to do this for us. He speaks about this in John 7:37-39. This baptism deals with receiving the Holy Ghost as a result of believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. The first time we see this happen is on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2:1-8.

Baptized By the Holy Spirit:

In 1 Corinthians 12:12-13 we see that when we are baptized with the Holy Ghost that he in turns baptizes us into the Body of Christ. See also Galatians 3:29-29. This baptism is what spiritually places us into he Body of Christ which is why we are said to be seated with him in heavenly places in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:6).

In the Church Age these two baptisms happen at the same time when a person believes on the Lord Jesus Christ. In the Tribulation this is not the case. In the Tribulation they must believe on Jesus Christ and keep the commandments (Revelation 14:12). They receive the Holy Ghost, but they are not baptized by the Holy Ghost into the body of Christ. The body of Christ was taken to heaven for the Judgment Seat of Christ and marriage of the Lamb before the Tribulation. Therefore Hebrews 6:1-6 speaks of someone receiving the Holy Ghost and then falling away and not being able to repent. In the Tribulation you can lose your salvation if you do not endure to the end.

Therefore we see that one of the biggest benefits of being baptized by the Holy Spirit into the Body of Christ along with being spiritually circumcised and sealed (Colossians 2:9-13 ; Ephesians 1:13-14) gives us eternal security. This is only available during the Church Age.

Doctrines of Salvation

Lesson #5 : Baptized with the Holy Ghost and by the Holy Ghost (Handout)

1)  Name the three baptisms that are found in Matthew 3:11.

2)  Who is said to baptize with the Holy Ghost and when do we see this first happen?

3)  What is baptism with Holy Ghost?

4)  What does being baptized by the Holy Ghost do for us?

5)  What is the difference between being baptized with and Holy Ghost and by the Holy Ghost?

6)  Define the body of Christ and list one of the main benefits of being put into it.