As a Christian in this world, when you make it plain to others around you that you trust Christ and believe his words, you will be confronted by unbelievers. You could be beguiled and spoiled.
Any man may beguile you with enticing words. Any man may use philosophy and vain deceit to spoil you. Your faith must be strong enough to withstand these attempts to turn you from Christ.
Miranda Salinas gives her testimony about her experiences in college and the attempts by her professors to discredit her faith.
To keep from being beguiled and spoiled, you must:
Stand by your faith in Christ, Col 2:5. Your faith must be strong enough to keep you from being knocked over.
Walk by your faith in Christ, Col 2:6. Walk by the same faith in Christ that saved you.
Grow by your faith in Christ, Col 2:7. The faith that saved you must grow each day to keep you strong enough to face the trials that come to as you grow older.