Victory Over Sin, Part 1, Rom 7:15-21

Victory over sin is a moment by moment and day by day thing.  You don’t wake up one day and suddenly find that you have no more trouble with sin in your life.  Your trouble with sin stems from one of two problems: 1. You are unsaved and therefore incapable of getting victory over sin; or 2. You are saved, yet you don’t know the scriptures that you must believe to strengthen your faith in the battle with sin.

If you are unsaved, watch the video on our web site called “Eternal Life.”  That is a plain presentation of the gospel that will help you get saved. If you need more help than that, I encourage you to call so we can direct you to other verses that will show you how to be saved.

If you are saved but you are defeated by a particular sin, then you have a different thing to deal with.  We have some verses for you to read very carefully.  Meditate on them until the Holy Spirit gives you some light.

Here are some verses that will help you get victory over sin:

Rom. 7:15-21 – Sin is in your flesh.  Your new birth in Christ didn’t get rid of your problem with sin in the flesh. That problem will not go away until you die or we are changed at the Rapture.  So, you must learn how to fight sin and win if you are ever going to have victory over sin.

James 1:14-15 – The root of your sin is lust.  Lust leads to sin and sin leads to death.  So, this is a serious problem.  You must deal with your sin at the root of lust.  Origin not commission.

Gal 5:16-17 — Walk in the Spirit.  And ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.  Rom 8:14 gentle.  Eph 5:18.

So, victory over sin begins with walking in the Spirit.  Then to continue to have victory over sin you must get your thought life under control.

Prov 23:7 — Sin proceeds from wicked thinking.  Mk 7:21 for from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts.  You have to deal with the sin in your thoughts.  Eph 4:22-24 renewed in the spirit of your mind.

Rom. 6:13-14 – Don’t yield your members to sin.  One of the ways to win is “don’t yield” to the temptation.  People get the idea that they can imagine a thing in their minds without sinning. No way. The least amount of thinking on a particular sin allows the flesh to build a lust that will not be satisfied until you “give in.” The way to fight is to not even think about the sin for one second.  And then yield to the Holy Spirit instead of to the lustful thoughts.

2 Cor. 10:3-6 – Make your thoughts obey Christ.   Allow Christ to take control of your mind.  Pull down those strongholds.  Casting down imaginations and high things that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God. Bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.  He will do that as you read and obey your Bible.  When your obedience is fulfilled.

Phil. 4:8 – Occupy your mind with pure thoughts.  You cannot keep thinking the way you have in the past.  The devil uses guilt over the past to get you to think about the sin again. It’s a clever way to bring up the lustful thoughts and to discourage you.  I am convinced that much of the trouble with sin is in the thoughts of the heart.  Victory over sin begins on the inside with truthful, pure thinking.

Conclusion: walk in the Spirit so you don’t fulfill the lust of the flesh.  And get your thought life straightened out and start obeying Jesus Christ in your thoughts.  That’s how to have vidtory over sin.