Abraham Typifies a Christian, Rom 4:1-13

This is a lesson on Abraham as a type of New Testament Christian.  Abraham typifies a Christian.  Before we get into this study, though, I refer you to two studies on Rom 4 taught in Sunday school.  They are the lesson on Imputed Righteousness and the lesson on Comparing Abraham’s Righteousness To Ours.  These lessons are very valuable in understanding our relationship to Abraham.

In this lesson we are going to see that Abraham typifies a Christian.

Abraham was lost and so were we.  He came from a family of idolaters, Jos 24:2.  We were among the children of disobedience and without God in the world, Eph 2:2-3, 11-12.

Abraham believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness, Rom 4:3.  And so it is with us.  We believed Jesus and were made righteous, Rom 3:22, 26, Rom 10:10.  Abraham typifies a Christian in salvation.

Abraham received the sign of circumcision after his faith yielded righteousness, Gen 15:6, Gen 17:10.  And likewise we were circumcised after we were made righteous, Col 2:11.

Abraham was a stranger and pilgrim in the earth, Heb 11:13.  And so are we, 1 Pet 2:11

Abraham was made heir of the world through the righteousness of faith, Rom 4:13.  Likewise, we are heirs with Christ, Rom 8:17.

Abraham was commanded to separate from his land and family, Gen 12:1.  And so are we, 2 Cor 6:14-18; Mk 10:29-30 (compare Gen 13:2; Gen 26:12).  Thus, Abraham typifies a Christian.

Similarities to the development of our faith.

When Abraham separated, he took Lot with him, Gen 12:4.  It’s hard for us to separate from our unsaved family completely at first.

When the famine came in Canaan, Abraham went down to Egypt, Gen 12:10.  Likewise, in a time of great need, we might first turn to the world for help.

When a baby wasn’t born to Abraham and Sarah, they turned to Hagar, Gen 16:1-3.  Likewise, we have relied upon the flesh when we didn’t see God come through for us, even though God has given us some victories and reinforced his promises to us, Gen 14 and 15.

Though Abraham had faith to defeat the kings in Gen 13, he feared Abimelech would kill him in Gen 20:9-11.  We see our own old man pop his ugly head up in fear at times, as well.

Eventually Abraham’s faith was strengthened to the point where he could trust God to fulfill his promise even if he sacrificed Isaac, Gen 22.  And so our faith should strengthen and grow, Jas 1:3-5.

Abraham’s had the testimony that he was the friend of God, Jas 3:23.  And this should be our testimony as well, Jn 15:13-15.

Conclusion:  in this lesson you see the many ways that Abraham typifies a Christian.  To study the previous lesson, see Why God Chose Abraham.  To study the next lesson, see Sarah Typifies Mary.