Sarah Typifies Mary, Gen 17:19

Sarah Typifies Mary

We can learn much from studying the Old Testament characters and their similarities to people in the New Testament.  Sarah typifies Mary.  This should help someone reading the Bible to realize that the author of the Old Testament and the New Testament is the same person.  Men were used to pen the words, but the author is the Holy Spirit.

Sarah typifies Mary.

Both were promised sons before they conceived.  Sarah, Gen 17:19; 18:9-10.  Mary, Lk 1:30-31.

Both sons were named by the Lord before they were conceived.  Isaac, Gen 17:19. Jesus, Matt 1:21, Lk 1:31.

Both believed the Lord would give them conception.  Sarah, Heb 11:11.  Mary, Lk 1:45.

Both sons were conceived miraculously.  Sarah beyond her child bearing years, Gen 18:11.  Mary as a virgin, Lk 1:34-35..

Both were assured that an impossible birth was not too hard for the Lord.  Sarah, Gen 18:14 “Is any thing too hard for the Lord”?  Mary, Lk 1:37, “For with God nothing shall be impossible”.

Both obeyed their husbands.  Sarah, 1 Pet 3:6.  Mary, Lk 2:4-5, Matt 2:13-14, Matt 2:20-23.

Both sons were associated with everlasting covenants.  Isaac, Gen 17:19.  Jesus, Heb 12:24, 13:20.

As you can see from these passages, Sarah typifies Mary.  And this study, though it may not seem profound to you, would be a fabulous way for a Jewish person to realize the fulfillment of the promise to Abraham in Jesus Christ.  The New Testament is not a Gentile anti-Jewish manifesto.  It is the fulfillment of God’s promises.   

This study, Sarah typifies Mary, sets up the next study wherein Isaac is a type of Christ.  To study the prior lesson, see Abraham Typifies a Christian. To study the next lesson, see Isaac Typifies Christ.