What does our High Priest do for Us?

What does our High Priest do for Us?

Hebrews 4:14-16

In this lesson we will study some of the things that Jesus Christ does for us as our great High Priest. We will also look at why the Lord Jesus is a merciful and faithful High Priest. Many of the things Jesus Christ does for us as our High Priest deal with Salvation, but there are some things that he does for us as a High Priest after we are saved. Understanding these things will give us a greater appreciation for the Lord Jesus Christ.

In Hebrews 3:1 and Hebrews 4:14 the word of God shows us that the Lord Jesus Christ is our High Priest. In Hebrews 9:11-15 we see that Jesus fulfilled the types from the day of Atonement from the Old Testament (Leviticus 16). Therefore, we have a High Priest in heaven that will never die nor need replacing and can save our souls eternally. Let us now look at some of the things he does as a High Priest.

He is a Mediator: (1 Timothy 2:5)

 A mediator is one who interposes between two parties that are at odds with each other for the purpose of reconciliation. This could also be called a middleman. Before a person is saved, they are at odds with God, and they need someone to mediate on their behalf. In 1 Timothy 2:5 the Bible says that the Lord Jesus Christ is the only mediator between God and man. So, the Lord Jesus Christ is the only way to get to God. The word of God is plain, you cannot get to God without going through the mediator and the mediator is the Lord Jesus Christ.

When a person comes to God for salvation, they are coming based on the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. This makes Jesus the mediator because of what he did on Calvary. As a result of his mediation when a person is saved and reconciled to God. (2 Corinthians 5:18)

He is an Intercessor: (Hebrews 7:25)

 An intercessor is defined as a mediator who intercedes for another. In many ways an intercessor and a mediator can be the same thing. But when we look at what the Lord Jesus Christ does as our High Priest, we can use them differently. The word of God says that he is the only mediator between God and man. Therefore, even people who refuse to get saved still have a mediator they just choose not to use him. But when we do choose to use the Lord Jesus Christ as our mediator, he intercedes on our behalf. This intercession leads to our salvation.

Look closely at the Hebrews 7:25. First it says that a person must come to God by him, that is the mediator (Jesus Christ). Then it says he ever liveth to make intercession for them, that is the intercessor. Do you realize that Jesus Christ rose from the dead for you so that you could be saved? His whole purpose right now as a High Priest is to be an intercessor for us. He died for us, but the real question is do you live for him. We spend so much time and energy just focused on this world and our flesh when we should be focused on the Lord Jesus Christ and trying to live for him.

He is an Advocate: (1 John 2:1)

 An advocate is one who pleads the cause of another. A good example would be a lawyer. It is true that in the case of salvation that the Lord Jesus Christ pleads our case and really we have no case but he tells God about what he did for us and God accepts that on our behalf.  But even after we are saved, we still need an advocate because of our sin. That is what 1 John is talking about. God still forgives us of sin after salvation because of the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.

When we think of a lawyer, we think of someone who is accusing us which is why we need someone representing us. And in the case of our sin, we have one that accuses us before God, it is the devil himself (Revelation 12:10). We must remember that even though we can be forgiven for sins after salvation based on the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, when we sin, we bring shame and reproach to the name of Christ and God. Therefore, Satan has an opportunity to bring and accusation against us. Satan’s accusation probably goes something like, “look at that child of yours he sure is sinning or making a mess of things”. It is a sad thing that as a child of God we give Satan a chance to point his finger at God and make an accusation against us. But when he does you can bet our High Priest, Jesus Christ says it’s alright their mine and they are under the blood. AMEN!!!

What makes it possible for Jesus Christ to be a faithful and merciful High Priest: 

 In Hebrews 2:17-18 we see three reasons for why this is possible. We will list them as follows:

1)  Because he was made like us.

  • When Jesus came to this earth, he took on a flesh and blood body just like we have although his was sinless unlike ours. But as a man he experienced everything that we experience like thirst, hunger, laughter, sorrow, tears, persecution, family life, betrayal, temptation etc.

2)  Because he makes reconciliation for the sins of the people.

  • A faithful high priest in the Old Testament made reconciliation for the people. When the Lord Jesus Christ came to this earth, he was faithful unto death and arose victorious over death. Now he lives to make intercession for us.

3)  Because he has suffered being tempted.

  • This goes along with what is said in Hebrews 4:14-16. The Lord Jesus Christ was tempted in all points just like us and yet he never sinned. But because he endured temptation and overcame it give him the right to be the perfect sacrifice for sins and therefore be our High Priest. And it also helps him to succor us when we are tempted because he has been in our place and walked in our shoes.
  • All sin no matter what it is can be put into 3 categories, Lust of the eyes, Lust of the flesh, and the pride of life (1 John 2:16). Jesus was tempted in all 3 of these categories in Matthew 4 and Luke 4. This is how he was tempted in all points just like us.
  • So, whether you need mercy because of sin or just grace to help in time of need, as a faithful High Priest Jesus Christ understands perfectly and is there to help. All we have to do is just go to the throne and get help. It is great to have him for a High Priest!!!


What does our High Priest do for Us?

 Hebrews 4:14-16 : Handout

 1)  Give a good verse for proving that Jesus Christ is our High Priest.


2)  What are 3 things that Jesus does for us as a High Priest? Give a verse and definition for each one.


3)   Who is the one who brings accusations against us? Give a verse for your answer.


4)  List some reasons for the Lord Jesus Christ being able to be a faithful High Priest for us.


5)  If Jesus Christ is our High Priest now do we need and earthly priest to intercede for us now. List a verse to prove your answer.