And The Cock Crew, Mk 14:68

And The Cock Crew

Mk 14:68 says that Peter, “denied, saying, I know not, neither understand I what thou sayest. And he went out into the porch; and the cock crew”.  This was a very important warning that Peter missed.

Earlier in Mk 14:26-31 Jesus told his disciples that they would all be offended because of him that night.  They didn’t believe it and professed that while others might be offended they would not be.

Yet, the scripture said, “I will smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered”.  And then Jesus, the Word of God, said to Peter, “That this day, even in this night, before the cock crow twice, thou shalt deny me thrice”.

So in Mk 14:68 when the cock crew the first time, after Peter’s first denial, it should have been a reminder to Peter of what Jesus said.  But Peter didn’t catch it.  The scripture about them scattering had already come to pass, Mk 14:50, even though Peter had said, “Although all shall be offended, yet will not I”.  Now what Jesus said about Peter denying him was about to come to pass, as well.

In Mk 14:69-72, Peter denied the Lord the second and third time. Then the cock crowed the second time. That’s when Peter “called to mind the word that Jesus said unto him”.  In Lk 22:61-62, “the Lord turned, and looked on Peter… and Peter went out, and wept bitterly”.

Peter could have avoided this had he believed the Lord the first time, when he said you’ll be offended.  He could have prayed in the garden instead of falling asleep.  He would have been prepared for the temptation.  Instead, he ignored the warning.

And people today are ignoring God’s warnings.  The Bible says before the end of the world, Matt 24, that there will be signs.  These are the beginning of sorrows and they are like the cock crowing the first time to let you know what’s coming next.  But the people living through these times evidently don’t heed them.  The Lord says, “In such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh”, Matt 24:44.

The Bible says in 2 Tim 3:1-5 that perilous times shall come.  The cock crew when people began to turn away their ears from hearing sound doctrine and started heaping to themselves teachers having itching ears.  These teachers are ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.  What are we to do?  Take heed to the warning sound of that cock crowing and preach the word, be instant in season out of season, 2 Tim 4:2-4.  I don’t want to hear that cock crowing the second time.

Listen, if you have been warned by the Lord through your Bible reading, through preaching, or through your time with the Lord in fellowship and prayer, pay attention to what he has warned you about.  This sermon today is like the cock crowing the first time.  The Lord is trying to remind you of something he warned you about and that he wants you to turn away from.  I guarantee that you don’t want to wait till the cock crows the second time.  You’ll be facing bitter tears, for sure.

As a consolation, if you already missed the cock crowing the first time and you have just heard the cock crow for the second time, you’re in for some bitter tears.  When you are weeping at the sight of the Lord’s disapproval, then repent and reaffirm your love to the Lord like Peter did three times.  And hope that the Lord will restore you and use you.  He certainly used Peter.  And he can certainly use you.

Conclusion: if you have heard the first warning, turn away from your disobedience now.  If you have just heard the second crowing, it’s time to get thoroughly right with God.