The Kind of Men We Need

The Kind of Men We Need

2 Samuel 11:1-27

In this sermon we will look at Uriah the Hittite as type of a saved person and a faithful soldier of Jesus Christ who died with honor on the battlefield serving the King.

In 2 Timothy 2:1-4 we see some things about being a soldier for Jesus Christ if we compare them to Uriah I think we will see that he was a faithful soldier as well.

1)  They must be faithful and follow orders

  • Uriah did exactly as Joab commanding, knowing that it would probably get him killed.

2)  They must endure hardship

  • Uriah slept on the kings steps instead of his own bed.

3)  They must not entangle themselves with the affairs of this life

  • Uriah refused to go home to the company of his wife will the battle was going on elsewhere.

Now we may not see many heroics deeds done by Uriah but he makes the list of David’s mighty men in 2 Samuel 23:39, which is quite an accomplishment.

The Character of Uriah: 

In his answer to David (2 Samuel 11:11) we see some great things in the character of Uriah that we need in saved men today.

1)  The Ark was in the field (The ark was mentioned ahead of everything else)

  • The ark represented the presence of God and God was in the battle which is where Uriah wanted to be (Exodus 15:3).

2)  Israel and Judah were in the field

  • Uriah was a Hittite but he knew the value of being with God’s people.
  • It is sad that sometimes today lost people have more character than saved people.

3)  His Lord Joab was in the field

  • His first priority was to his Lord. Our first priority should be to our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ who is the captain of our Salvation (Joshua 5;13-14 ; Hebrews 2:10)

4)  He was faithful to death

  • Just as Paul he was faith to death (2 Timothy 4:7-8)