Mary With Gabriel and Elisabeth, Lk 1:26-56

Mary with Gabriel and Elisabeth

We’re studying about Mary with Gabriel and Elisabeth in this lesson from Lk 1:26-56.  Before appearing to Mary, Gabriel had appeared to Zacharias earlier.  At this time, Elisabeth is six months pregnant, v. 26, 36.  In Lk 1:26-38, Gabriel is sent to Mary in Nazareth of Galilee. v.26.

Mary’s Virginity

Mary was a virgin, Is 7:14.  She was espoused to Joseph.  But they hadn’t come together, v.27.  See Matt 1:18-20.  In their espousal, they are husband and wife.

Mary’s Lineage

Both Joseph and Mary are from David’s line, v.27.  Joseph was the son of Jacob, Matt 1:16, who descended from David through Solomon, Matt 1:6-7.  This is the line of the kings of Judah.  And Mary was the daughter of Heli, Lk 3:23, who descended from David through Nathan, Lk 3:31.  This is the line of Jesus’s humanity going all the way back to Adam, Lk 3:38.

No Hail Mary Prayer

The angel spoke what you read in v.28, which is now part of the Hail Mary…  Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.  The angel didn’t say “full of grace”.  Elisabeth said blessed art thou among women, v.42, and added “blessed is the fruit of thy womb”, to which the Catholics add Jesus.  Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and in the hour of our death, Amen.  Neither Elisabeth nor the angel said anything at all about her being “Holy” or being the “mother of God” or interceding for anyone.

Elisabeth called Mary, “the mother of my Lord”, v.43, which is true of Jesus.   But she didn’t say anything about Mary being the Mother of God.  The Bible will clear up any religious error.

Gabriel’s details about Jesus

In v.29, Mary was not troubled at his sight as much as she was troubled at his salutation.  He assured here that she had found favor with God, v.30.

In v.31-33, the angel gave Mary very specific details about the conception, birth, and eventual rule of Jesus.  He said:

  • Thou shalt conceive in thy womb, v.31
  • Bring forth a son. v.31
  • Call his name Jesus, v.31
  • He shall be great, v.32… like John, v.15
  • Shall be called the Son of the Highest, v.32
  • The Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David v.32, 2 Sam 7:13, Ps 89:3-4
  • He shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever. v.33
  • Of his kingdom there shall be no end, v.33, Is 9:6-7

Mary’s question

Mary’s question in v.34 is not doubt, like Zacharias in v.18-20.  She’s asking how this will happen since, “I know not a man”.  Reasonable question.

In v.35 the angel explained how:

  • Holy Ghost shall come upon thee
  • Power of the Highest shall overshadow thee
  • That holy thing that shall be born of thee.  Notice, he, not Mary, is called “holy”.
  • Shall be called the Son of God.

The angel told Mary about Elisabeth, v.36 and then said, “For with God nothing shall be impossible”, v.37.  And Mary replied, “be it unto me according to thy word”, v.38.  This is when Gabriel departed.

Mary’s visit to Elisabeth

Mary went to visit Elisabeth and didn’t tell Joseph about the prophecy, v.39-40.  In Matt 1:18-21, the angel of the Lord is the one who told Joseph.

In v.41-45, Elisabeth made a confirming proclamation to Mary

  • Babe leaped in her womb for joy, v.41, 44
  • She was filled with the Holy Ghost, v.41
  • She said, “Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb”, v.42
  • She addressed Mary as the mother of my Lord, v.43
  • She said, “Blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord, v.45

No Immaculate Conception

v.46-47 are remarkably anti Roman Catholic Church doctrine.  Mary magnified the Lord and she said, “my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour”.  Notice that she needed a Saviour.  There is no such thing as the Immaculate Conception.  Mary was a sinner.

No Blessed Virgin

In v.48, Mary mentioned her low estate and then said, “behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed”.  And indeed they have, because she was.  But not Blessed Virgin.  Mary had other children, Mk 6:3, Jn 2:13-17, Ps 69:8-9.

Mary’s magnification of the Lord

In v.49-53, Mary continued to magnify the Lord

  • Hath done to me great things, v.49
  • Holy is his name, v.49, Ps 111:9
  • Mercy on them that fear him, v.50, Ps 103:17
  • Strength with his arm, v.51, Is 40:10, Is 52:10
  • Scattered the proud, v.51, Ps 33:10
  • Put down the mighty and exalted them of low degree, v.52, 1 Sam 2:7-8
  • Filled the hungry, rich sent away empty, v.53, 1 Sam 2:5
  • Holpen his servant Israel as he spake to Abraham and to his seed, v.54-55, Gen 17:19

These things that Mary said about the Lord are prophecies concerning Jesus, whom Mary was magnifying when she said these things.  She abode 3 months with Elisabeth and then returned to her own house, v.56.

To study the prior lesson, see The Prophecy of John. To study the next lesson, see John’s Birth.