The Mark for the Prize, Phil 3:14

The Mark for the Prize

In Phil 3, Paul described his life religious life before Jesus saved him.  He had much to be proud of when compared to other religious Jews.  But compared to the righteousness of Jesus Christ, he counted all his own righteousness as dung, Phil 3:8.

After getting saved, Paul became conformed unto the death of Jesus Christ.  Through this death and the fellowship of Christ’s sufferings, Paul knew that he could “know him, and the power of his resurrection”.  Paul turned from his past and said, “forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Jesus Christ”, Phil 3:13-14.

But this wasn’t a prize that only he could obtain.  In Phil 3:15, Paul wrote, “Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded…”.  In other words, we should follow Paul’s pattern and press toward the mark for the prize of our high calling of God.

Notice these truths in Phil 3:14.

Phil 3:14 is written to those who are in Christ Jesus.  “In Christ Jesus”.  Religious people are often confident that they can, by their own efforts and good works, make it to heaven.  But Paul made it clear, in the first part of this chapter, that if anyone could make it to heaven by his own righteousness, he could have.  You have to be saved before you can receive the prize.

Those in Christ Jesus have a high calling of God.  “Of the high calling of God”.  In Rom 8:29-30, once we are saved, we are predestined to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ.  Likewise, we are “called”.  Paul prayed for the Ephesians that they would “know what is the hope of his calling”, Eph 1:18.  After all, if God is the one who has called you, then for certain his calling is a “high calling”.

God’s high calling has a prize.  “The prize”.  In other words, if you fulfill the high calling of God in your life, you receive a prize.  For example, Paul wrote about the incorruptible crown that Jesus will give to those at the judgment seat of Christ who keep their body in subjection as they strive for the mastery.  This is one of the rewards you can receive for serving the Lord Jesus, Col 3:24.

To receive the prize you to achieve the mark.  “The mark”.  In every endeavor that involves a prize, the winner has to make the mark.  In a competition, he/she has to have the highest or the lowest score (the winning score).  It may be that he/she has to reach a certain level of performance, and all who do receive the prize.  The mark is established so that you know what is required, what to strive for, in order to win the prize.

To achieve the mark, you must press toward it.  “I press toward the mark”.  You can’t hit the mark by sitting idly.  You can’t be average and hit the mark.  Today everyone receives a prize for just participating.  Well, you’ll definitely receive an inheritance for being one of the participants (all saved people get a glorified body and a home in heaven).  But to win this prize, you have to earn.  You have to press toward the mark.

Conclusion: Are you even concerned with knowing the calling of God in your life?  If so, have you ever though about the prize?  If you want the prize, do you know what your mark is, what your are striving for?  And finally, are you pressing toward your mark?

Paul said in Phil 3:15, if you are otherwise minded (in this or in anything) “God shall reveal even this unto you”.  Tonight, if the Lord has spoken to you about this matter, then be no longer other wise minded.  Press toward the mark for the prize.