Don’t be a Sellout

Don’t be a Sellout

Genesis 25:27-34

This is the very familiar passage where Esau sells his birthright to Jacob for pottage. In this lesson we are going to look at Esau as a sellout, he gave up something valuable for something as common as food. In our lives if we are not careful we will give up principles, doctrines, and friendships and maybe even God for the lust of the world or simple pleasures that will only satisfy temporarily. So, let us look at the example of Esau and see some things led to his selling out to see if we can avoid becoming a sellout.

Two things to note in the passage:

1)  Note how cheaply Esau sold his birth right (pottage) Proverbs 6:26 / Proverbs 28:21

2)  When you get close to selling out, there is always somebody wanting to buy (1 Peter 5:8)

Things that led to Esau selling out:

1)  He was faint (verses 29, 30)

  • Jesus would not send the people away hungry (Matthew15:32)
  • Lack of Prayer will lead to being faint (Luke 18:1)
  • Without the word of God and prayer we will lose focus and faint in our minds (Hebrews 12:1-4)

2)  A faint mind led to being desperate (verse 32)

  • Note he said “I am at the point to die”.
  • I am reminded of the disciples on the boat with Jesus in the storm, “Master carest not that we perish”. Can you really sink with Jesus in the boat?

3)  Desperation caused him to devalue the birthright (verse 32, 34)

  • If we are not careful will begin to focus on the temporal and not the eternal (2 Corinthians 4:18) and the next thing we know we are selling out.