Cry Mightily Unto God, Jon 3:8-9

Cry Mightily Unto God

Why should we cry mightily unto God like the Ninevites in Jon 3:8-9?  Wasn’t the outcome of the election more favorable to Christians?  We should cry mightily unto God because:

Rulers are prone to make major mistakes after successes.  David numbered the people without collecting the ransom, Ex 30:12-16, 2 Sam 24.  70,000 died in the plague that followed.  Solomon loved many strange women and built high places for the images of their false gods, 1 Ki 11:1-8.  His kingdom was divided.  In 2 Chr 17:7, Asa relied on the Syrians to stop Baasha, king of Israel, instead of relying on the Lord like he did against the Ethiopians, 2 Chr 14:9-12.  He died of an exceeding great disease in his feet, 2 Chr 17:12-13.  We must pray diligently for our president, representatives, senators, and justices that they make righteous decisions in humility and the fear of God.

Rulers can have unexpected opposition from within.  Absalom conspired against David, 2 Sam 15-18.  Ahithophel, David’s chief counselor, sided with Absalom.  Right before Solomon ascended to the throne, Adonijah exalted himself, and Joab, the general of the army, and Abiathar, the priest, joined him against Solomon.  We must pray that our president’s cabinet, trusted advisors, aides, and supporters remain loyal.

We have foreign adversaries who could attack.  The children of Moab, Ammon, and mount Seir attacked Jehoshaphat, 2 Chr 20. The Assyrians made repeated attacks against Israel until they defeated them and took them captive, 2 Ki 15-17. The Chaldeans under the Babylonian king, Nebuchadnezzar, besieged Jerusalem and destroyed Judah, and took them captive.  We must pray that the Lord protects us from foreign attacks and wars.

We may face overwhelming crises and disasters. The closer we get to the return of Jesus, the more likely we’re going to see the beginning of sorrows, Matt 24:6-8.  These natural disasters can overwhelm and devastate countries.  We must pray for mercy and protection against these.

We’re still a very wicked nation. Ps 9:17 is still true.  God sent Jonah to proclaim that Nineveh would be destroyed.  The king and the inhabitants repented and God spared them.  We must pray continually for God’s mercy and favor.  We must pray that through our witness and preaching souls will turn away from sin and turn to righteousness in Jesus Christ.  And we must continue to earnestly sow and reap the word of God.

God’s command doesn’t change with election results. We must continue to obey 1 Tim 2:1-3.  No matter who holds the public offices, we must pray diligently for them.  Many prayed fervently leading up to the election.  We cannot relax our efforts now, just because you are pleased with the outcome of the election.  Instead, cry mightily unto God.