Being Constant
1 Chronicles 28:1-21
In the passage for this lesson David is giving words of instruction to Solomon regarding the fact that God has chosen him to be king and to build the house of the Lord that God would not allow David to build. Note in verse 7 that Solomon is told that his kingdom will be established if he is constant in doing the commandments of God. It is from this that we will form our lesson.
One of the greatest things we can do in regard to guiding our families, being husbands and fathers, being wives and mothers is to be constant. Consistency is often overlooked but in reality is the one of the most important things in life. When it comes to serving God or serving our family we know that we are not going to be perfect but perfection is not what is needed, consistency is what is needed. In this lesson we will look what we should be consistent in, why we should be consistent and how we can be consistent.
What should we be consistent in? Verse 7 (In doing the commandments and judgments of the Lord)
We must live the word of God in our homes for it to be effective in the lives of our families. But note that the verse also mentions being consistent in judgments. The commandments of God are important but we have to be consistent in our judgments as well. Children pick up very easily on favorites or letting one child get away with something that they did not get away with. Solomon as the king had to be careful with this and as mothers and fathers we must be very careful in these matters as well.
Why should we be consistent? Verse 8 (Because people are watching)
Children have a special ability to hear everything we don’t want them to and to somehow seem to not hear the things that we want them to hear. They also seem to always be watching at the just the right time when we do some we should not do. This is why we have to be so careful with the subject of consistency. Yes, as stated above you will make mistakes, but when we constant with the commandments and judgments of God it will can have a lasting effect on those around us.
How can we be consistent? Verse 9-10 (Know, serve, and be strong)
Knowing about God and knowing God are to different things. I fear this is why many teens go astray from God and the church after High School. The God of their parents never became real to them. As parents we must not make this mistake. We may not be able to make God real to our kids but he can be real to use. The more we truly know God, which will come by knowing his word, the more capable we will be to serve him with consistency. The more we serve God with consistency the greater our strength will be and the greater impact we may have on our children.