Getting Counsel (Part 2)

Getting Counsel (Part 2)

Genesis 16:1-16 with Genesis 21:1-14

In the second part of this lesson, we are going to make an application of what we learned in the first part of this lesson regarding counsel. The main point we saw in the first part of this lesson was to get counsel and how important it is to get the right counsel. In this lesson we will look at Abram and Sari, who had a very important family matter, to a practical lesson on getting counsel.

Genesis 16:1-6:

At this point in scripture Abram has been given by God some key prophecies concerning his seed. Now in Genesis 16 we see that Sari is barren and so she comes up with the idea for Abram to go in unto her handmaid, Hagar, and have a child with her. Technically speaking that would still be Abram’s seed. Abraham consents to this plan and has a son with Hagar named Ismael. This turned out to be a mistake and was not at all what God had in mind.

Genesis 21:1-14:

At this point in scripture God has delivered on his promise and given Abraham and Sarah a son named Isaac. Sarah sees Ismael mocking Isaac and tells Abraham that Hagar and Ismael must go. Abraham is grieved by this, but God tells him to hearken unto all that Sarah says regarding the matter (verse 12).

How interesting, the first time Abraham listened to Sarah he made a mistake, but the second time when he doesn’t really want to take her counsel God instructs him to do so.

What is the difference between these two events?

The biggest difference is that God got involved in the event of Genesis 21 event where we do not see him consulted in Genesis 16. We know that the husband is the head of the wife and family (Ephesians 5:22-24), therefore he is ultimately responsible for decisions made regarding the family. But we must remember that our wives are given to us as a helpmeet (Genesis 2:18) and when that their counsel regarding the family can be of great value. Therefore, we must not be so quick to dismiss their counsel.

As men what can we do to not make the same mistake as Abraham?

1) Always get counsel (Proverbs 1:5 ; 11:14 ; 15:22 ; 20:18)

  • Abraham sought no counsel that we see in Genesis 16 regarding Sarah’s idea.

2) Seek God regarding the counsel we receive (Hebrews 5:12-14)

  • Without the word of God we can never really gauge if the counsel we receive is of God.